lady rainicorn

YES, the Orlando Bloo episode!

Yeah, Bloo was a jerk!

This is my all-time favorite cartoon. I miss it.

What in the fresh hell are you blabbering on about?

Good point, I typed that out quickly on my phone on a packed train and didn't read it over.

When a doctor says you have an 80% chance of survival with treatment, it doesn't mean that you'll still have an 80% chance of survival later on when you finally decide to obtain treatment. That's the problem. I understand the mother's concern about how chemo can wreak havoc on her body and affect her later on in life,

I'm liking the makeup. I'm liking the heels.


"Holistic. Organic. Healthy. As in you CARE about what you do to your body."

U MAD, bro?

Yeah, this isn't surprising at all. Especially the susceptibility to meningitis and pneumonia. Menningococcal and pneumococcal strains are becoming more and more resistant to various kinds of antibiotics. So if P. acnes strains are becoming resistant, you sure as hell bet that more serious strains of bacteria

He's not pulling it off well!

It looks like he's trying to like...smize? LOL.

How can anyone be considered remotely attractive with that HAIR?


Little buddy was all like, dats my jaaaam, DATS MAH JAM!

thank you!

Hi, you're my hero.

This is kickass! I hope this change works out really well for you :) you don't owe anyone an explanation.

Yes, thank you! I was watching the first 2 episodes late last night, and I was like, "Susan, sit the fuck down!"