lady rainicorn

I've come to realize that many people that I know who are around my age (early-mid 20s) don't like or care for Friends. I can totally see why, but Friends is an important show for me. When my parents and I moved to America in 1997, Friends was a big show. My mom picked up a lot of English from it, and it was her

NO! I'm literally watching a Gilmore Girls episode as I type this. NOOOOO! :(

Totally understand that, and your mom seems adorable (I mean that in a good way!).

"My sweet 16 year old son, Joshua Ryan Alcorn went home to heaven this morning. He was out for an early morning walk and was hit by a truck."

That, and many other BEWBX: \./\./ \o/\o/ ( o )( o ) ( . )(.) (o)( o ) ( : )( . ) etc.

I saw this on Buzzfeed earlier, but apparently I glossed over the fact that the mom was covering the TV to shield her ADULT son's eyes. Even if he's gay, I'm sure he knows what boobs look like. (o)(o) (.)(.)

Yes, that song can go to hell.

Thank you! Will do :)

Well sometimes, you just need to waste an hour reading through some hilarious stuff :) I forgot about that blog until this article, so I'll be looking through it again after my final exams.

Mark, have you ever read It hasn't been updated in a while, but basically, a woman read through the various Sweet Valley series and added her hilarious commentary on all the fucked up shit that happens in the books.

I have nothing to add except that Harrisburg is a total, total shithole.

Ugh, what is wrong with people? At least you got your tapes back!

I don't like theives. This isn't about shoplifting, but in 7th grade, one of my best friends stole a shirt and some awesome earrings from me. I saw the shirt in her closet a few days after, for fuck's sake! Looking back, it was an ugly-ass shirt from American Eagle, so I don't know why she stole it. She had tons of


Strike 4 - those God-awful eyebrows.

And I'm sorry about your mustard packet situation. Yes, some teenagers can be asshats. But you can still have sympathy for people of a certain age group regardless of personal experiences with members of that age group.

You know, as a sister to a 14-year-old, and as someone who was 14 once, I really don't think the girl's behavior should even be a factor in this story. So what? She was dragged and touched by AN ADULT and forced to do something she didn't want to do. Whose behavior is worse in this situation? Certainly not the

Yes, that's their age. That's how they are. Were you not once a teenager too?

She looks like she was having a lot of fun doing this. I like that.

Fuck that dude, he knows nothing!