
And once again people insist on the animus not needing direct ancestry to work as the main reason to validate their position.

There’s 2 PCs but Kass is Canon.

I don’t care, that’s not my point.

Unclear, but they don’t need to be all in DIRECT line relationship.

There’s still a need to justify the existance of Desmond and other people like him.

Can we please stop with this stupid “we don’t need descendants anymore” thing?


Cannon? Is she a pirate?

To me Kassandra sounds better.

Don’t forget that said decision will be based off a throwaway sentence said at the end of the last episode that has no build up or foreshadowing at all in any of the previous episodes.

I mainly see 2 problems here.

Thinking about it tho, even if they change things accordingly, the majority of the northern realms would still be populated by white people.

As long as they cast accordingly other characters that might appear in the show that hail from Nilfgaard or Cintra.

You know that nowhere there it is stated we have to listen to your opinion, or that private businesses have to help you share your opinion.

There was a time when Cap had superhuman strength.

Wasn’t it in Heimdall’s armor?

Not everyone likes 60fps or more. And it doesn’t need to be because we swallowed hook, line and sinker from some pr bullshit for games like The Order or somesuch.

That’s not “New Atheist” that the same kind of people that tells you that you are an idiot for not believing in their god.
