Lady Cat

Damn you and your logic!

She specifically didn’t want to have kids because she hated the world they lived in and didn’t want to bring a child into that. But then she changed the world they lived in.

I do think that it came out of nowhere in the movie, though. In the book, you hear her thinking about how much Peeta wants a family. They talk it over, and she decides that it’s so important to him, and she’s willing to now that the world is a different place. I also loved in the book that she describes the field

Okay, so I haven’t seen the movies, so maybe they radically reinterpreted Katniss’s character or something, but in the books it’s really, really explicit that she never wanted to be a warrior or a leader or an influencer. She hates being forced into that role. What she manifestly wants, throughout the story, is just

Because the world is better after the events of the books/movies, and because, with Peeta’s help, Katniss has been able to find enough peace and trust to move forward with her life. That’s pretty much the whole point - Katniss makes it clear early on that she would never have kids because the world is so terrible and

I actually preferred the books to the movies because you got to hear a lot more of Katniss’s inner monologue. This isn’t a light and happy trilogy. It’s a story about civil war and PTSD and how we use media to turn suffering into spectacle, but also how you can overcome suffering through love and constancy. I thought

When I saw it everyone in the theatre started laughing during the final scene. I get that it’s how the book ended but it was hilarious.

~spoiler below~

SO BAD!!!! and am I the only one who thought she would never have kids? WHY IS SHE HAVING KIDS? so confused. And why was she talking nonsense to her baby???? ugh

Sorry to disagree, but he will always be the lesser Hemsworth:


Or the Lebanese killed in Beirut? And the Turks in Ankara? And the Iraqis in our drone strikes? And the Afghans under our bombs?

Will you also please write about the three Americans who were killed in Beirut?

I’m generally a worrier, but one of my worst hangups is knowing that sometimes, life is all about chance. The control freak in me can’t stand that.

Jennifer Lawrence is literally all of us, just with better hair.

that’s more depressing than being single, tbh

I wish Winslet and others who want to refrain from this “vulgar” money talk could see that the only reason anyone wants to take about the pay gap in movies is because it’s a vivid reflection of the very real pay gap in the rest of the world.

I hate this attitude that talking about money is vulgar. Yeah, it can be if people are bragging or using it to push other people down. If it’s a frank discussion about what everyone is making and where people stand in a company, than we need to have that talk.

I can’t find an image or a video, but Kate Winslet’s response reminds me of Ingrid DeForest from Eagleton telling Ben Wyatt that “we don’t like to talk about money. We find it a little gauche.”
Ben: This is a budget meeting.