I mean, Mother Theresa didn’t have children and she was pretty much known for being unselfish. Maybe your children are holding you back from your true purpose of being the least selfish person in the universe.
I mean, Mother Theresa didn’t have children and she was pretty much known for being unselfish. Maybe your children are holding you back from your true purpose of being the least selfish person in the universe.
So, are people that can’t have children for medical reasons “relentlessly self-absorbed?”
Because you wanted to. The most selfish reason there is.
But you sure do come off as massively condescending. Blah, blah, CF people are selfish, blah, blah. What was the completely selfless reason you had kids?
You need to work on your anger at others. Your life is what you’ve made of it.
“Important thing is that we will never, ever permit you to live in your SJW bubble.” They threaten, behind their screen-bubble.
So brave.
Man trolls who have already commented: Do you refresh Jezebel constantly? Have some kind of google alert on this topic? I am genuinely curious.
Let’s all make a promise that when/if we become famous, we will all be Kevin Smith Famous.
It’s almost as if refusing to protect trans people didn’t stop straight men from going into womens’ restrooms to assault children there.
Why is law enforcement incapable of just expressing outrage? Why can’t they ever be like “We are going to find the person who committed this horrible act and bring them to justice?” instead of saying stupid shit like “well, she DID go with him” and then trying to soften it with “but she was 12 so even if she wanted…
I would comment on the nature of his article itself, but I knew he was a world class bullshitter when he humble-bragged that on his very first trip to the snackateria, he managed to make his partner squirt.
i cant watch hoarders. makes me feel physically sick
We did it a few months ago and it’s still going well. We have much less stuff and we are keeping up the folding/clothing storage method. It’s great. The only thing we are slipping on is putting things immediately back where they belong. It takes more the form of a weekly or nightly sweep of papers, boxes, etc. but all…
I’m not the OP you’re responding to, but I started this last year/earlier this year and I haven’t back slid. I’m not as organized/clutter free as I could be if I was a hardcore fanatic, but it is still amazing. I got rid of 3/4 of my clothes; I love coming home to my room and all my things, and I think as someone…
I loved that book, it really helped us. That tv shows sounds super annoying. Like....Eat Pray Love but with infinity scarves and uggs. Like... no. If I’m watching a show about clutter I am going balls deep and watching Hoarders.
I bought that book. I know it’s here somewhere.
She’s still Jenny from the Block, and Jenny don’t play that shit.
I don’t have the right perspective to identify with #blacklivesmatter because I am a white male. If elements of the movement feel the need to protest Clinton and Sanders and feel it will be effective, then keep doing it. (I’m not giving permission either; it’s not mine to give.)
I missed these last year and went back and looked for that one.