…and they gave her PIGTAILS?! Kara was right, someone on the Scandal hair and makeup squad really does not like Lena Dunham.
10/10 would watch
you're the person all salespeople avoid.
Or maybe she's just doing her job and people are fucking obnoxious and stupid. I've worked customer service/sales for 9 years, and sometimes there is just no helping people. People suck. The end.
This is a place for sharing stories about customers who don't listen - I'm not sure why you wrote a long post about how alter_ego can be a better phone salesperson, especially since she no longer works there.
I'm not sure why I'm attempting to defend myself here, but of course I'd offer the option of ordering online when we're out of stock. And you're obviously not aware of iPhone demand shortly after a release date if you think that this is a question of an idiotic store manager "letting" us run out, or just ordering…
Jewish lesbian penguins?
I only started watching this show because theres so many articles on Jez about it. I got caught up over Thanksgiving weekend on Netflix. Shit is cray tho, so watch at your own risk.
I want more articles like this. To be honest, I was a bit too tired to read all of it, but it seemed well-written, and not all "teehee, I'm snarky!" like Dirtbag/other stuff can be. It's amusing sometimes, but a lot of it is eyeroll-worthy.
Honestly, this was super impressive. Damn, Tracie.
This was brilliantly written. Bets on how long until Tracie is headhunted from Jezebel? This was probably one of the best researched and articulated stories I've read on here and that's being said by someone who has been reading Jez since its beginnings.
This is an awesome read. I was one of the many Lisa Frank obsessed youths in the 90's. Part of her fan club, spending any scrap of allowance I had on stationary and sticker kits. I was always an art nerd and I even wrote an essay for my 5th grade class that ended up in the school's monthly announcement flyer. …
"This is showing what it looks like when women sellsex... so much of it feels staged for men, not for our own pleasure."
I really hate the comments on Jezebel PETA articles. I still read them though, every time...
It continues to blow my mind that a website dedicated to feminism consistently engages in anti anti-animal cruelty rhetoric. I'm a vegan. And I do not support the crazy shit that PETA does. But there are many many many many many paralells between systemic violence against women and systemic violence against animals-…
You're going to get flamed for this, mostly because of your wording, but I think it's an important point that people don't acknowledge because fat shaming is so dominant in our culture that the need to confront it overweighs the discussion of the ramifications of an obese nation.