
The Browns understand the potential consequences of exploiting this loophole, but a high-ranking team executive said that, "it's worth taking a shot".

You mean Dolan has been sober this whole time?

I don't watch enough Bundesliga to offer a comprehensive explanation, but from what I can tell there are at least a few factors at play:

I can't blame the penguin for wanting to see a wild animal up close.

A friend of mine went to UGA, and claims Matt Stafford spilled an entire pitcher of beer on her at a party. He apparently tried to calm her down by explaining "Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm Matt Stafford." Then he walked away.

When I lived there it would. I think it was the sheer volume of people in Atlanta that made it easy to fill.

Straight up, that roof looks like a butthole.

First league investigation of improperly deflated balls that didn't involve PED use.

That male cheerleader just ran through the Ohio state football team, the ducks should see if he can transfer at halftime

That male cheerleader is like something out of a Marines commercial.

As someone who actually works in business... No they do not. Every contract I have every worked (and when you click "I accept the term and conditions" you just signed a contract), there is always a clause about "honest mistakes", such as a misplaced decimal point, or in the case of this deal an omitted number.

1991. Boyz n the Hood.

This quote right here, from the Observer, is my favorite part of this whole story:

the judge presiding over the trial has issued a ban on all NFL-related gear inside the courtroom

I hope someone goes with a redskins shirt and claims, "its not a team name, its a racial slur" and is allowed in.