
Fun fact: apparently Schulz made this comic after his Studio also burned down in a fire. If this was true, I feel like it conveys more of Schulz’s feelings because he does relate more to Snoopy than any other Peanuts character.

It’s funny, because posts like these sound a lot like the protesting Christians in the video. “Stop believing your things and instead believe mine, because reasons.” Believe/disbelieve whatever you want, man (or woman), but shut the fuck up about it.

Skyrim Cosplayer Joins “Christians”. Yeah, pretty sure these people were Westboro Baptists. They give the rest of Christianity a bad rap and I wish we’d all just stop viewing them as real Christians, or especially as representative of Christianity as a whole.

What are they protesting?

They love hating people more than they love Jesus.

They’re the kind of crazy devout, self-righteous, dinguses that think EVERYTHING is an affront to Jesus. They have no joy in their lives, and want everyone to be as miserable as them.

What ARE they protesting exactly? People in crazy costumes? Article says its because people are loving nerd stuff instead of jesus.. really? sounds like they need to get a hobby or something.


Not that there’s anything wrong with being religious, but these assmouths don’t even know what they’re protesting.

He’s of Hungarian & Iranian heritage too... someone needs to tell him that hungarians (speaking as one) have a TON of DNA that is from Asia and the Middle East due to all the times it was invaded / conquered.... and well, the Iranian heritage is self explanatory... makes his whole hard-on for white superiority very

maybe jontron sees himself as American first instead of Iranian ( which he should)