If you read the Sayers translation, you can get that shit-load of notation, and the terza rima structure too. Totally worth it, and then you get all the dirt on that obscure local personality.
If you read the Sayers translation, you can get that shit-load of notation, and the terza rima structure too. Totally worth it, and then you get all the dirt on that obscure local personality.
It has trees made out of suicides' bodies whispering through sap bubbles and a giant frozen lake with cannibals gnawing on each others' skulls! What's tedious about it?!
I am very glad that you saw that and I didn't.
Since you cannot seduce your quarter- or eighth-sister, you may be fundamentally unsuited in this regard.
I like the Inferno best, but then I like it better than almost anything in all the world.
That handoff is the saddest thing ever.
Unfortunately, it is more "Ecce Homo" ("Ecce Mama"?) than Modigliani of any freshness level.
And yet it still has one of Willow's best lines in the whole show:
And yet it still has one of Willow's best lines in the whole show:
Sigourney Weaver was not crazy about it either.
Sigourney Weaver was not crazy about it either.
It wasn't just held back because of a school shooting. It was supposed to air the day after the Columbine massacre. Obviously, that didn't happen. There were rumors that the WB planned to cancel Buffy in the wake of all the violent-culture-handwringing that went on afterwards, but I don't know how true they were. …
It wasn't just held back because of a school shooting. It was supposed to air the day after the Columbine massacre. Obviously, that didn't happen. There were rumors that the WB planned to cancel Buffy in the wake of all the violent-culture-handwringing that went on afterwards, but I don't know how true they were. …
What's more chilling is that it still pops up pretty frequently on Google searches, according to women's health researchers.
What's more chilling is that it still pops up pretty frequently on Google searches, according to women's health researchers.
Kinda funny-lookin', maybe?
Kinda funny-lookin', maybe?
Bork is definitely displaying the sort of clever marketing acumen necessary to become a top bootlegger, though a bit naive on the whole organized-crime part. Buy six, get free lefse!
Bork is definitely displaying the sort of clever marketing acumen necessary to become a top bootlegger, though a bit naive on the whole organized-crime part. Buy six, get free lefse!
I take it you never read the Death miniseries. Some glorious irony in your statement, there.