
Does SNL count as comedian? Because if so, Justin Timberlake is also a good comedian.

That kind of happens a lot when you ask an expert about their field. They know every rule, but also every caveat and every exception to that rule, that they just kind of have to give the "it depends" answer to feel like they're not oversimplifying.

It was on Reddit yesterday.

If you don't like the Flophouse's random detours into nonsenseland, why in the world are you listening to the Flophouse? That's like 70% of the show!

A blind, illiterate lawyer. That's his real superpower.

That'll be a good power to have when she fights on Tony's side in Civil War.

We get it, AV club, House of Cards is unrealistic. Can we get some actual commentary beyond how ridiculous it is that Frank would get Claire as his VP, or how unlikely the face to face candidate meeting is?

That was so frustrating while watching Jessica Jones. Simpson is clearly unhinged and dangerous to everyone, but he was the only one with a remotely sane plan for handling Kilgrave. Jessica wanted to save Hope and prove to everyone that Kilgrave is real, and I recognize the strength of the story as allegory for real

If that's how he was on the page, then most of the people who didn't like him in season 1 probably wouldn't have liked the character in the books either. He's just not particularly compelling. At least, that's how it seems from my POV having not read the comics.

"Despite the past several episodes cementing the notion that Claire has nothing left to learn from Frank, we get a scene where he coaches her through an upcoming meeting with the head of the NRA."

If Larry David is going to keep coming back, why are we not getting recurring Kevin Roberts sketches?

As he was walking out to the hostile crowd, I guessed there would be an attempt on his life. I was shocked at all the blood though, and the death of Meechum. I had just assumed Frank was invulnerable and would be right out there playing up the attempt on his life for sympathy and fearmongering the next day.

To be fair, a lot of characters of all walks of life have been killed off / done away with on House of Cards.

I haven't read any comics (just wiki summaries for movie context), but I was under the impression the Civil War storyline was one people loved. Is that not the case?

Jessica Jones vs Tony Stark, going shot for shot on bourbon until someone dies.

They'll set her up to betray Littlefinger and unite the North under their new queen, and she'll do interviews about how strong and in command her character is in this next episode, and how we'll finally get to see the Sansa Stark we've been hoping for, and then when the moment comes and Sansa has Littlefinger at her

I came to this comments section specifically looking for a defense of Girl You Wish You Hadn't Started a Conversation With at a Party, and I have to tell you, you're insane. Cecily Strong and that character are flawless.


"Don't go downstairs and drink paint."

Kaitlyn did that herself, too, since she thought her stunt double was doing it wrong.