
Jessica in particular seems to suffer from insane fluctuations in general strength level. When fighting mooks she kinda tosses people into walls a little bit, but when dealing with any object other than a pajama'd ninja she's casually hurling thousands of pounds around. Plus when she did hurt Luke she did it with a

Is it just the photo of him speaking at the Boy Scout Jamboree? Because that's basically what he did, except the kids probably had parents for the most part.

I liked Elektra up through when they were doing that heist in the corporate office. It really fell apart when that led to the Hand and the Black Sky nonsense.

DD1 DD2 JJ LC and IF makes five?

How bad is chili anyway? I guess some put a bunch of brown sugar in, and you can go heavy on red meat if you want, but the bulk of it is beans and tomatoes

The preview for next week: "I'll talk them into suicide" as if that's a thing he already knows he can do.

Season 1 episode 3 is the best episode of television I've ever seen. That was enough to get me to slog through the rest of it, and I'm glad I did.

"I'm that lord of the rings character, Vijjo Morganstein!" (wearing dark sunglasses and a goatee)

Disagree. The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention is easily the best episode.

In what situation would you not eat the cat food?

Charle, we know, is a confirmed full on rapist.

Both Obamas did it for me. Hillary, eh, she speaks to my head more than my heart. Which is fine, I'd rather vote from there.

I dunno. Something about using only 10% of our brains or processing while we sleep, or something. Batteries take less explanation either way, especially for 1999.

To be fair, with answers like those I'm willing to believe he wrote it personally, so the "Me" quotes might not fit.

Sitting presidents campaign for their own reelection, support elections of their allies, take vacations, and sometimes campaign for their successors. It happens all the time, and the country hasn't stopped running yet.

A donkey penis and an elephant penis, together at last.

Wasn't it originally meant to be that the humans were basically computer processors for the machines, but they were afraid the public wouldn't understand the "human brains as sever farms" idea, so they switched it to the supposedly more understandable batteries at the last minutes?

Goddamn hollywood actress cats, setting impossible standards for real cats out there. Little cats all over the world are looking in the mirror tonight thinking "if that cat was ugly, then what am I?"

I was just screaming internally for Nas to ask Freddy what it's going to cost him for protection.

Spontaneanation is 75% wonderful, but that conspicuous 25% of episodes that suck usually make themselves obvious pretty quickly once the improv scene begins, so you can skip to the next show in your queue.