
Keep in mind with Bing, though, that it's not like the original Charles Bingley was all that developed and fleshed-out, either.

Lennon probably had the best solo career if you take how unfairly short it was into account. But I think Paul's overall career is better than George. All Things Must Pass is the best Beatles solo album in my opinion, but George definitely peaked early and sort of petered out after not too long.

I'm not the only person who knows him best as Owen from Vicar of Dibley, am I?

Yeah, my mom is a high school history teacher who has a lot of very strong feelings about Holocaust movies, and she had similar comments, particularly in rating it highly compared to The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, which she hated. The Book Thief - book or film - also never diminishes the horror of the Holocaust by

Yeah, I agree with this. Death was much more prominent in the book, and the movie kind of wasted him. If you're going to do something like that - which is probably going to be too gimmicky for film, anyway - then you really have to sell it. The film didn't even try.

Yeah, I read it as a teenager (when it had first come out, I was still in high school) right around when I was first getting obsessed with Vonnegut. It's no wonder I ended up loving it, as the styles are very similar. Book Thief is my favorite YA novel.