
This is the kind of thing I wish Ellen would do more of.

That’s a direct quote from the Chief. Not part of Michael’s sarcastic perspective in the post.

Blake said that the instructor accused the student of being under the influence of drugs and searched the young woman’s bag after the student complained of feeling poorly.

Sue. The. Fuck. Out of that school.

“To prevent the student from escaping, the officer forced the student to the ground.”

I say it every time, but for my own mental health, I’m not watching this. Reading the description by itself makes me ill.

To be fair, he was clearly worried about her black super powers. He had no way of knowing whether or not she, at any moment, could have attacked him with the strength of 10 men while running faster than a speeding car.

I really do hate the whole “School Resource Officer” title because it is misleading as hell. It’s an armed police officer stationed in a school tasked with policing children as if they are in juvenile detention or something...not some education professional who is there as a resource of any kind to assist with the

At this point, Richards could have dropped the mic and walked off the stage to the chorus of “Loyalty.”

I had the most interesting discussion with a pro-Trump guy about this today. He’s very much anti-DACA as “immigration reform”

The leopards are coming for all your faces, assholes.

Yeah, we can have people reckless treating people. What if his patients are on Medicaid?

Pro-tip to the fucknuts at ICE: Picking up a 40+ year old white doctor with two decades-old legal dings is not going to make you look any less racist and is definitely not making you look like you’re out there rounding up ‘bad hombres’.

“side note: i know if i see the word “blacks,” some silly racist shit is about to follow.”


Also, if he was beaten to a bloody pulp, it sounds like he probably deserved it.


First: it’s about time Get got called out. Or maybe you’ve done it before. Can’t remember, but I appreciate this.

Well, it’s probably the PTSD he has from all those fights he’s been in and arguments he’s won. And the demons that are doing that possessing he mentioned. They’re LITERALLY crafty devils.