
I've got an approachable face but a non-approachable attitude towards strangers. It's a problem.

The "nothing to hide" argument has been so thoroughly refuted and discredited by the arguments of so many much smarter people than me, and so many real examples of abuse, that I won't waste my time regurgitating them here. I only implore you to do some very basic research into why you are so utterly wrong. You might

VOICE-OVER: This is the true story...of six Corgis...picked to visit a college campus...nap together...and have their lives find out what happens...when puppies stop being polite...and start getting real...

No, you hate Google for that. Upworthy and Buzzfeed are just the ones who play Google's game really well. And jeeeeeeez. It's a puppy post. I thought it was a funny headline. Now I will go have a sad. :(

"You'll Never Guess What This Blogger Did When She Found Out A Commenter Didn't Like Her Headline!"

I seriously might print out your paragraph so I can remember it when I talk to them! lol. Thanks for that!

OK so something I've noticed (I'm 46, so I've had lots of time) is that even today lots of people get serious quite young, with like the first or second person they've really dated. Like they're in a rush to get something locked down. (Don't even get me started on the people who pair off in the first week of their

Oh, stop being so sensitive. So we're supposed to give the guy a free pass for being a dick just because something horrible happened in his past? Nope, sorry. He's still a dick.

I find it annoying too...but I can't decide if the songwriter is trying to rhyme using the same word or are they using repitition to emphasize a point.

I feel like, if you are looking into surrogacy, you should make it clear in the contract before inserting fertilized eggs that you have no interest in raising any potential disabled children, so that the surrogate knows going into it that she might have to abort, keep the disabled child, or give it up for adoption.

These will be a huge consumer hit, I'm sure.

Have you seen his interviews where they're talking about The Avengers?

Those two guys together show me how an awkward adorable and a smooth adorable (Paul) can both get my heart going pitter patter. I have no principles!

Ran this through Google Translate. Came back thusly: "I live in my mom's basement and haven't had pussy since pussy had me." Huh. Go figure.

Mark Ruffalo is so freaking awkward and I LOVE IT.

I'm not sure, but I'm worried you may have lost a brain cell or two. Not your fault of course, just happens when you're dealing with idiots like Body Remover.

What if the wife's not cool with you being side-pieced-up?

Fellow whiteys: There's a difference between emulation and caricature—which is what Katy is doing in her videos. She's playing "wacky" characters by exaggerating racial stereotypes for laughs. How exactly is that cool? Like someone else said here: Black is a racial identity complicated by centuries of enslavement,

But...but Kara, your name sounds so "normal".

Yeah right, Japanese nail art is totally a thing. But Japanese-y in no way conveys that. To me at least.