Patrick Bateman meets Hal Incandenza for a drink at a bar owned by Humbert Humbert and goes home with Jelenik's Gerti for a night of Lust.
Patrick Bateman meets Hal Incandenza for a drink at a bar owned by Humbert Humbert and goes home with Jelenik's Gerti for a night of Lust.
I agree with you on the first point, but not on the second, that attractive people, like Jonas, have to try hard to be extra-attractive. Or if they're trying to be charismatic that they have to do it in this extra-aggressive way. As much as I'm not a fan of it, the original Mark Wahlberg campaign worked because that…
His arms look fine to me, not overinflated and unnatural. But scrawny arms or not, he had more raw sex appeal in his pinky than Joe Jonas. And that's not to say men were better looking "back then" but that this dude doesn't hold a candle to the kind of self assured but level-headed and adult masculinity of Paul Newman…
Mmhmm, I'll take Gregory Peck for breakfast, Cary Grant for lunch, Marlon Brando for dinner and Paul Newman for dessert, because you know Paul Newman is one of the few Hollywood men with the kind of personality you'd want to be around for more than a couple hours. And The Long Hot Summer ... damn.
Yes! There are some waiters/waitresses that get it. But I know why servers do it - because there are people like some family members of mine that constantly want attention after they take just a sip of water, valuing over-attentiveness. It is a rare gift to find that middle ground.
My thoughts exactly! Everything is supposed to be "real" now.
Yup, easy choice!
See it's easy for me because I know Eastwood ended up talking to a chair and Brando, well, was a jerk, albeit a beautiful one back in the day. Marry Paul, fuck Brando, kill Eastwood.
Exactly. So true. Luckily I had a mother who had zero patience for moping, so she said "Oh, that's a bunch of caveman nonsense. Stop being an idiot." Not that that's the most tender way of dealing with it, but tenderness doesn't always do the job when you need a dose of reality!
I didn't think you were really, I just wanted an excuse to add to my original rant and I thought you had a good point. :)
I agree and don't have sympathy for these guys and I'm sure that men this vicious won't start being nice once they get what they want, just take it for granted. Some men can start out as "nice guys" if they aren't very steeped in this ideology and change their minds, but I agree that the men threatening Emma Watson…
And you wouldn't say that fear is mixed in with that? Fear and anger toward people who could give them sex, emotional intimacy, status, all of the things they want from women but can't get because women are autonomous beings who don't always like them? Not disagreeing that these are generally the type of men, but…
I wish I could say this sort of thing was uncommon: And I don't mean texting specific times for rough breakup sex, but this general feeling of entitlement some men have toward sex all because they had sex with you at point in time. Like it's a forever guarantee or something, no matter who broke up with who. I've had…
I wish I could say this sort of thing was uncommon: And I don't mean texting specific times for rough breakup sex, but this general feeling of entitlement some men have toward sex all because they had sex with you at point in time. Like it's a forever guarantee or something, no matter who broke up with who. I've had…
That's exactly the problem with mainstream feminism, which is dominated by upper and middle class white women, just because it can affect all women doesn't mean it doesn't affect women of color differently. Sometimes issues that are supposed to affect "all women" don't affect all women. That's why race needs to be…
I don't see why NOT to bring race into this? What, do you think it lessens what happened to the white women whose photos were leaked? Because it doesn't. If you agree that women of color are treated worse, what is the issue?
This feels like a sad "dinner" but okay: smoked salmon, cheese and crackers, kale and carrots. I ran out of stuff to make a real sandwich or meal with and I'm having a real dinner tomorrow so..