
And her eye make-up? So much coveting on my part.

Mark Ruffalo can get it...

Maybe the reason we need to talk about these characters more is because right now when we do, someone gets upset about women being the center of a conversation.

Oh, I see. I don't think Natalie Dormer's comment was about saying all women characters are either angels or whores, but that there is a tendency among contemporary male writers to depict women either one way or the other. I think between the two of us we could think of hundreds of books and shows where that holds

And you, who spend your time trolling on a Jezebel open thread must have so much going for you.

Is he a catalog copywriter?

No kidding. Awesome, too, the ones emphasizing how Europe is more "open to quirks and human nature" considering they all solidly conform to European beauty standards.

Yes, very good list. We could keep adding to it, and the characters played by the actors above fit into it nicely. Where are those other women discounted though? Saying "Yes, we'd like more of this" doesn't necessarily translate to "nothing like this has ever existed before, and these are the only cool ladies who

My good news: I got biopsy results back on Thursday that confirm I do NOT have skin cancer!

Isn't this kind of common sense? Who thinks they can just walk away from a live-in situation where you've gathered assets and pets together???

When people ask me questions about my love life, I kind of just try to shrug it off or say, "It's just not something I'm focusing on right now." However, I'm often at work by myself, so it's mostly just my relatives who ask me awkward questions, so I don't necessarily feel like I need to be as professional with my

You sound like you're kinda private about those sorts of things. So maybe say, "I'm kinda private about those sorts of things."

Not really witty, but it would shut the conversation down: "I like my life the way it's working out right now, but thank you for thinking of me."


As a bisexual woman, can I apply the lesbian sex tips to male partners and the "normal" sex tips to female partners?

Leave it to Woody Allen to think that Emma Stone (age 25) would be a reasonable romantic lead alongside Colin Firth (age 53). I have nothing against May-December romances (my dad is 16 years older than my mom) but, sexy as he is, he is over twice her age and that is squicky as fuck. And this dynamic is treated as

That's the last straw, Russia. You can't ban McFreedom — it is an inalienable human McRight.

I don't think movie reviews are supposed to be objective. If they were, they'd just be a short plot summary and the runtime.

The longest-running argument I have going with my sister started when I said I was glad Ally and Noah ended up together in The Notebook because she wasn't good enough for James Marsden and clearly had fucking terrible taste in men. I stand by that, despite my sister's hysterical screams of "BUT RYAN GOSLING!!" every