
This isn’t about people like you (who sounds AWESOME btw) it’s about the lawmakers who say that specifically to deflect any sort of accountability or do anything in the wake of these tragedies. I hate that the shorthand is “thoughts and prayers” because we all do this in the wake of tragedy, but this isn’t about your

Everyone, please, a round of applause for Stassa Edwards, who is apparently a medium in addition to her other talents.

Not calling out Sam Bee here, but wanted to get something off my chest: I’m always a little disgruntled when “thoughts and prayers” get mocked and derided in the wake of a shooting. My church (hippie dippie New England Episcopalians) formed a Gun Reform Legislation Committee after Newtown—we have teams of callers who

Not to mention the perfection that is Karen Walker

I say the movie should be about a pointless Kinja argument over a movie that hasn’t even been made, much less actually seen to determine if it is or isn’t sexist.


We hear a lot about “personal responsibility” when it comes to rape victims as well. Somehow, rapists never have a responsibility not to rape, but rape victims are always entirely responsible for avoiding getting themselves raped. And drunk rapists aren’t responsible for their actions because of the alcohol, but drunk

2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because

Boy I can’t wait to hear the non-Destiny playing crowd on this one:

He’s being a complete cunt on Amazon Prime. This is just a win/win, Jeremy Clarkson hurt himself and Piers Morgan got punched in the face. Both utter cunts.

YAH MAN Niagara Roller Girls! There’s also a Buffalo team across the border, Queen City Rollers.

Raise your hand if Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You makes you think of Heath Ledger in 10 Things I Hate About You. Now keep your hand up if you graduated high school in the 90s. That’s what I thought.

I can’t remember if I had the Joseph tapes but my school was tapped to be IN Joseph and the Principal vetoed it for academic reasons and I was very upset. THIS CLOSE TO BROADWAY. (Well Mirvish, which is like Canadian Broadway).

If only Tormund presented me like he does waffles.

“and that he will “never be his happy go lucky self [sic]” again.”

I’ll see your Denzel and raise you a Idris Elba

I hereby officially nominate Gina Torres for a role. Any role. Because Gina Torres.

She said on Graham Norton a while back that she would love to be in a Fast and Furious movie because it seemed like fun. I think we found our getaway driver!

“PJ’s before DJs”