
This is a reasonable and correct take and has no place in Kinja.

I’m fine with Bernie staying in the race to accumulate votes and show Democrats that there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda. I am not alright with him staying in the race in a desperate bid to win.

“you know what’s fun? first person platforming! To that end, what if we built an entire section of the raid that revolves around that but as an added wrinkle, we’ll fill the area with weird penis looking plungers that will launch players off the ledge if they stand in the wrong spot.” - A Destiny Designer

I am going to imagine that she approached them in character, using the Claire voice. And then I am going to swoon over that for the rest of my life...

Library of Congress: Proving, once again, why librarians in real life are more awesome than the one in the Librarian movies.

troublingly, it was quite easy

Ladies, just imagine that every punch to the face of a guy named Chad or Blaine is actually a smash in the larger, collective face of the Patriarchy.

They don’t trust the FDEh.

(I’M SORRY CANADA I SAW A PUN AND I WENT FOR IT. I don’t know who actually monitors vaccines in Canada because I am an ignorant dirtperson).

I presume he thinks I sobbed so hard for so long that I am no longer fat.

i’ve always assumed every angry comment on the internet was written by a committee of three middle-aged men.

Two whole “people” said their superpower would be to fly so they could beat traffic. That was the specific reason. I’m starting to suspect they all sat around the casting room filling out the questionnaire and copying each other’s answers.

I want to experience someone from the inside out.


When they said “Welcome to the Spanish Inquisition,” my first thought was literally “Well I wasn’t expecting that...”

Can you imagine Alton Brown at one of these parties? Him with a tiny dessert plate of double double dank ass weed to cause some trouble chocolate chip cookies watching everyone with a skeptical eye until he sees someone try to use saffron oil as a lube and he drops the purposefully mismatched china plate to the ground

I have no reason to back up why I think this: but I’ve always felt like Rachel Ray is the woo girl who always has designer cocktails strapped to her body for concerts/sporting events for all her gurrrls and the swingers party you KNOW she throws every couple months is epic. Like she has got to have a signature dip

In my interview Jacob said the word “cospital” for a repair station and it’s just the best word I’ve heard all year.

Very obviously his caribouty.