God, I love her. I grew up sheltered and conservative and was so wanted to be that kind of girl. I remember going to college and going to a strip club and someone dancing to that song and my mind being blown.
God, I love her. I grew up sheltered and conservative and was so wanted to be that kind of girl. I remember going to college and going to a strip club and someone dancing to that song and my mind being blown.
Please do not start this conversation that inevitably leads to people getting dirty with the stigmatism surrounding BPD again...
1. Shot of tequila
Male host to male guest:
Justin’s size doesn’t make up for the horrible things about him, which is every other aspect of his look and personality.
It takes more than a dick to make a gorgeous man
Yeah, there’s only so many variations on I - vi - IV - V or I - IV - V - I. So saying some thing sounds like another song is so subjective. Now, sampling without credit is a bit different.
BDE means “big dick energy”-a sort of understated confidence. In case I’m the only one who didn’t know that.
Her hair makes my heart hurt.
I am rooting for Heather Locklear. I know my fellow olds on here remember her being such a badass on Melrose Place. That was appointment TV.
As an almost lifelong hip-hop head, I don’t want to like Cardi B and I wish Rapsody could gets some Jezebel love... but I see Cardi doing the best she can to be in control of her life, and I like that.
I really like Cardi B. there’s something very genuine and confident about her. I hope it lasts. Celebrity can be very damaging.
Alcoholism, at a guess.
You completely misunderstood me. I was agreeing with you.
This was a pretty uplifting Dirt Bag! Happy Friday! Congrats to Selma.
Gwyneth and Brad are getting married in the Hamptons.
She got major banks to give her five and six figure loans. She got other rich people to foot the bill for a trip to Italy. She got a not so rich person to pay $60k for a vacation in Morocco.
Genuine curiosity: why do you feel Wolf of Wall Street is a guide, not cautionary? I found it trenchant and impartial. It never idealizes its subject. It looks unblinking at the tragedy of Belfort’s victims — the suicide is presented as an afterthought, precisely the mindset of a sociopath — and it eschews…
The only possible angle is to treat both her and the rich victims as clueless, feckless, idiots. Any other treatment is garbage.
I was not aware of her story until Jez posted something about her recently. I went down a rabbit hole! I read the article and then stalked her Instagram. Fucking fascinating how she got away with some crazy shit until it all came tumbling down.