
She needs to differentiate. Christina’s problem for me has always been that her voice is TOO BIG for this pop shit. Her vocals in that gawd-awful-but-i-loved-every-second movie Burlesque were PERFECT for her. I was hoping she would see that and maybe head to Broadway or do something other than following the sad trends

The comments section of the Rihanna post right now also ends with Rude Negro’s suggestion that Rihanna throws her wine glasses in the trash after she walks out of club/restaurant/other venue with them. I like the synergy and also the wild abandon of just throwing out wine glasses and stilettos right and left (don’t

Oh, if you watch the episode of Graham Norton they’re talking about here, it’ll be pretty obvious. She kept singing “Umbrella -ella -ella” towards Rhianna and Rhianna was just giving her glares like “can you not?” But you can tell in pretty much all the Ocean’s 8 press stuff and chat show interviews. It kinda the same

As a fellow wino, I’m going to wager that she breaks them by the end of the night. Perhaps she should go full Kim Z red solo cup.

Not gonna lie, Rihanna is a high functioning alcoholic and a mean girl. I say this as a fan.

This much drama and stonewalling and silent treatment at only six months into a relationship, when you two should still be in the honeymoon stage? You saying that you need therapy at only six months into the relationship? Personally, I’m concerned.

Oh GIRL, this guy is nowhere near ready for any kind of relationship. Not with you, not with a pet, not with a plant.

It sounds like you kind of got into a supply of Love Cocaine, which feels AMAZING but then the jangly crappy crash hits.

I’m cringing because I dated a guy who, after six months, claimed he didn’t feel “safe” putting me on his social media. Allegedly some other ex-girlfriend had been passive-aggressive on his Facebook in the past and I was supposed to prove myself in an unspecified way in order to gain his online approval. That was

Of course chica. :)

He just randomly brings up his previous marriage?

By any chance, is this guy an addict? History of addiction? Co-dependency?

I’m sorry, girl. That’s really hard and disappointing.

Guuuuurl. Between the hardwick bullshit that sounds like two of my exes, with eating disorders and sexual abuse and the story about the football player that no one can believe because he dared to rape older women, I say burn all men at the stake.

Wait so is he giving you an ultimatum?

Please hang on. I look forward to your comments and want you to be here.

So, it’s hard to speak on this, but I don’t really have another outlet for it, but I don’t want to seem like I’m being an attention hog.

I believe in women supporting women. :)

Helen Mirren is cooler than David Bowie.

In a Trump defiled world, Bourdain’s spirit and example are all the more valuable.