
I have pretty extreme phobia of birth. I’m 39 and want a baby, but I’m still terrified. However the bigger issue is finding someone I actually want to be the father these days. 

so funny :) 

It was some movie she was in Manhattan I think. ;) I did lots of body double work. I am Xtina’s calf in a European perfume ad. And Nelly Furtado’s stand in for the video she did with Timbaland. The life of an aspiring actress.... :)

Definitely. Most body double work is because it’s tedious insertion shots or something that they can’t afford to pay the star’s salary to get. It’s not even just for replacing a body with a perfect body - sometimes I’m sure it is but often it’s just b/c they have to get something on the side and are not calling the

I expected the voice to be creepier or more dramatic. It’s clearly strange that she was known to have a higher voice previously - but the voice itself I am not that weirded out by. I can also understand for public speaking or presentations and pitching - you are dealing with nerves as well as a need to come off as

I was hired once to be the body double for Isla Fisher on a movie poster. Lol.

They always use photo doubles for movie poster bodies so you aren’t wrong. 

lol. seriously - plenty.  there are about a million other ways to stay thin.

This is all like the Fyre Fest but even more salacious. 

I wonder how much these deals were worth. A Sephora palette is a big deal but a lot of these contracts may have been a lot less lucrative than it may seem...

Shows you how little I know or care about USC. I have looked up the music department and it seems nicer but I know nothing. 

I never broke up with my childhood friends - we just grew apart although we stay in touch loosely via Facebook. My adult besties all went up in flames at one point or another. There was always too much rivalry. 

I don’t actually know, but outside of LA, I never heard anyone mention it - ever. It’s better than UCLA is my perception because it’s private but I am fairly sure it’s never ranked as a top ten University along with the Ivies. I don’t know it’s national rank I just know it was never something I heard about until I

Lol. I, too can’t believe it’s all for USC. 

Lol. No, it’s perfect. And fully applicable. 

If I had any money at the time, I would have bought what I wanted for his place. At my place I have Nespresso. He actually claimed he had an expensive coffee maker but he didn’t want to set it up b/c free shit drip coffee that you have to walk down the hall hungover with your mascara smeared to start the day. ;)

lol. he was just that guy. every gift he got me was via groupon. and i happen to think it’s romantic and cute to make each other coffee in the morning. not to mention i don’t drink drip coffee anymore so everything about it irritated me ;P

omg i dated a guy whose apartment lobby had free starbucks. so he refused to ever set up his coffee maker. i had to walk down the hallway every morning to get the fucking free coffee. it was. so. fucking. tacky. and the worst coffee.

oh come on. he knew!

hahaha i love you.