
Haha I in no way shape or form want to defend any of these people. I am a singer though and I’m going to say this is an ok off the cuff live performance when she’s probably also had a glass of wine (or 3.)

I think to be honest not because of her race or anything else just because of her overly earnest American side - that people in the inner circle could absolutely snub her and she won’t even pick up on it because her head is so full of herself. The Brits are very good at that. But - she’s good at being dutiful so I

Here’s where I’m inclined to agree with you. However, not only is she pregnant, they also like the idea of how she represents bucking tradition and I am 100% sure they are thrilled with the whole narrative that she’s mixed race, etc etc. None of it is really an accident. Harry’s role is with the Commonwealth - all the

She is always on. That’s why she became an actress. People who are totally into publicity, fame, and exposure - thrive with the opportunity to be always on. They are miserable without an opportunity to shine. I know a lot of people can’t relate to that, but to anyone who loves being in the public eye and thrives on

eh. i doubt it. there are so many events and pomp and circumstance, press, etc. someone like meghan lives for this role. she never has to be off - and believe me that is what she thrives on. i don’t think she is going to wince at any of it. she can handle the expectations. and as miss goody two shoes will not slip up.

i know someone who knows her ex. long before any of this came about he would refer to her as ‘the social climber.’ it’s easy to see that’s 100% true. i see her coming across as a little insufferable and ultra egotistical - which feels annoying b/c i really don’t think she is that beautiful. she looks like what she is

i thought that was quite tone deaf, as well

Armie Hammer looks so much hotter with longer hair. That is all I have to contribute this morning.

Perfect comment.

so...this is where the publicity stunt about how no designer would dress her b/c she’s not a size 0 was leading.   makes sense.

Agree and I totally stan for her with these younger guys. I see her with a different type perhaps...but she’s fabulous all around and if she’s happy I’m happy for her. 

She’s quite witty in her instagram.

i ran four miles several days this week! i also performed in concert 7 songs at a local bar and it was my best performance so far of my own material.

sounds like cycstic acne. you can have a dermatologist inject cortisone for immediate relief. 

My parents offered to get her plane ticket, and her daughter’s ticket, and her hotel. There was no scheduling conflict. We offered all expenses paid trip to my destination wedding. I flew on my own dime to her destination wedding. She was the petty one who was jealous because I was marrying someone much more

Priyanka is better looking that Markle but it’s not that hard to achieve,  imho.

Hell yes. I have cut women out who I went to their wedding and when I was planning one they told me they couldn’t attend - sorry but that is a big no for me. 

Yeah. He was friends with my boyfriend and saw me walking my boyfriend’s dog on the beach and hit on me. Who hasn’t he hit on? ;) 

Lol. I haven’t seen it. He once offered to loan me the DVD, though! 

Yes. I used to date someone who hung out with him so I knew he was pursuing it. Then I accidentally was at the Comedy Store when he had a set - it was so bad. It was literally cringe-worthy. He was by far the worst comic of the night. He left the stage early.