
Jeremy Piven’s stand up is AWFUL. Can confirm.

I’m dying for the tea!!! 

this is a fucking great quote! 

Truth. I have thoroughly enjoyed my smoking hot flings in the wake of the demise of my Long Term Relationship™. I started to realize I *can* bag a male version of a perfect 10, so I went out and got my fix. They were all thoroughly incompatible but smoking hot snacks. I’m finally starting to long for something a

it’s literally everything

I was just curious because I feel like people would be outraged if that happened in LA. I figured you might be from a smaller town. It is unacceptable anywhere in the country, no matter what. I was just wondering. Ugh. Good luck with this situation going forward. Hopefully, it’s all behind you. xo

My grandmother passed away last year, and I had kind of cut her off in my adulthood. This may not apply to your situation, but for me -I regret not seeing her more maybe after a hiatus of getting over some bitchy comments. Near the very end of her life, I saw her and she was glowing over me - so proud of me. I wish I

So funny you said that.  I felt something in the air today and just thought - spring is in coming.  I can feel it. :) 

I’m just curious where you live. Not that it can’t happen anywhere, the police incident, it’s just such bullshit I had to ask out of curiosity. As for dating - the ones who force you to commit way too early are almost always the abusive narcissists, who all cheat and continue to swipe, meanwhile telling you what’s

they look so cute.  they look like boxers.  precious. 

I have a very vocal baby now. It’s comical she is so over the top talkative. My last cat literally did not even meow until the age of 2 and was very friendly but not super vocal.

truly eye rolling

I just want to say I love the term ‘community dick.’  

Soylent is gross.  And it has like 20 grams of fat per bottle.  

same here! 

I was surprised when I saw this pop up.  I did this a lot in my early 20s, but felt guilty about it and if I told anyone they’d scold me about blood sugar etc etc.  But to be honest - if I don’t do this I tend to eat too much and it kind of works for me.  Now that it’s a fad diet, I’m going to implement me some days

I mean, there really aren’t that many top charting female producers who create hits. 

Been there done that. 

I hate it, too but it does suit her aesthetic (which I also hate.)

I honestly still don’t know who Ryan Adams and Bryan Adams are or why they are popular or what the difference is. Somehow have completely skipped over both their catalogues. Not to conflate the one who is not accused of abuse with the other...this is just off topic.  Mandy Moore on the other hand is really pretty in