
So are we saying that no one should ever have sex on ecstasy? What if you are in an ongoing consensual sexual relationship with someone, and the two of you decide together to partake of mind altering substances. Like it’s a pre-meditated plan and the day you acquire said substances you’re both really happy to do it.

that was my first thought.  she has a press thing going on right now.  she looks beautiful in her paper magazine spread.  that’s out now.  can we post that photo instead? cruel.  

lol this is going so well between you and i. my point about my age is this - that i know what i want, i pick up on red flags quickly now whereas in the past i stayed in several long term relationships back to back all where i didn’t realize guy x y z would never change, and that i wasn’t ok with how they treated me.

p.s. thanks for shaming my age and biological clock.  for the record nothing to do with my choice right now. i don’t even know if i want children.  maybe stop thinking everything is black and white.  there are gray areas.  

he doesn’t have polar political views from me. no one read any of my responses but all good! going to retire this topic and continue coming to this site. and no i’m not a troll. it’s not important to prove myself to strangers on the internet or defend my choices.  

he’s not a republican.  this was one vote.  from what i understand he’s more democrat leaning. 

by the way he can clearly see all my left wing democrat supporting posts on facebook or on twitter.  it’s not like i’m hiding my stance from him. 

😂 hardly. let me remind you, i voted for hillary and was devastated when she lost. i can fuck someone / date them / marry them and still have my own individual political alliance and voting power.  that’s how this works.  on top of that, he did vote for obama both terms so i just thought he has some misguided stupid

Yeah I’m white. I’m a WASP. But I’m not in the total seat of privilege here, I’m just a middle class white girl. From the Midwest. Nothing fancy. But I don’t always date white people - for the record. Jeez I’m getting a lot of hate on this! But it’s ok. I hear what you all are saying I just know it’s a deeply personal

I do discuss politics. I don’t discuss politics with him on our dinner dates a month into our relationship, other than I broadcast to him succinctly that I am a full fledged left wing liberal and feminist and that I’m not a fan of Trump. I think I then said something about how upsetting it was as a woman when Hillary

he doesn’t treat me as if he is a misogynist, so i guess i decided i just won’t get into his political views. look i don’t know how old you are, but i will say this - when in college, i eschewed dating a guy who could have been the love of my life because he grew up in atlanta and was a card carrying republican. i can

if you live in DC and work in politics, you are living in an entirely different world than me. i teach music and perform and have worked in fashion and been an actress and model. i’m used to keeping my personal beliefs neutral so as not to interfere with my brand. i’m also used to teaching college aged kids from

I did my Masters in the UK.  I applied for a two year post study visa, which was awesome.  I then later was engaged to a Brit, and we discussed getting my fiance visa before our wedding b/c my visa was running out, and I wasn’t making enough $ to secure a permanent work visa on my own.  But anyway - the post study

I’m not going to engage in that conversation with him. It’s so hard to find a compatible man in LA at my age, and he is super into me and I’m into him. Sex is good. He’s friends with my friends, and best of all he’s really reliable and texts me every day and asks me out in advance - you don’t know how many guys in LA

I’m dating a guy who voted for Trump. I found out on our first date. I simply told him that I’m a left wing feminist but I left it at that and don’t discuss politics with him.  I really admire him as a person and like how he treats me, and we have fun and he’s really smart.  To be fair last time around he voted

I’ve seen Fabio at the gym and at Cafe Med when it was still Cafe Med and not ‘Wahlburgers.’ :( RIP Cafe Med.  

are you serious lol

thank you!  honestly all the feedback i got on this post makes me feel better about it all!! 

:) right?  the games we play...  when it’s healthy, it’s easy and transparent. 

G&T made with Hendricks (it’s so good because it has rose water in it) - garnished with cucumber, not lime.  Or a Negroni because that’s the only other cocktail I will drink.