I live on the edge. I just had a caesar with grilled salmon for lunch. I’m fine.
I live on the edge. I just had a caesar with grilled salmon for lunch. I’m fine.
The header picture is....really something.
now that i know what it is i love it. it’s a great term.
girl, no. more power to her. she calls it off if it’s not 100%. a lot of people don’t have the balls to do that.
reminds me of me. i’ve been engaged twice, but honestly i really only want to do it once, too! so i still haven’t...
yeah - it has no....dimension. her face looks so flat/round/puffy - i can’t even see cheekbones. and her eyes look really small and devoid of any human soul. they are like black discs with no iris. wtf is going on. looks like she is overdoing some kind of chemical peel, too. i’m not feeling this look 👀
DAMN IT I FORGOT! I’m SUCH a harlot that has literally been my underwear of choice DAILY I don’t even own ANYTHING else anymore - for I would say - 8 years now. When I saw that article, I did get a rage stroke.
Totally get on the apps. Go for it. A good friend of mine in London just turned 50 and she has a fair amount of dates. Get it, girl!
You’ve taken the first step to empower yourself for your future. You have the qualifications to go forward in your career, and you will be much better off with the infrastructure and security and benefits of a larger pharmacy that actually plays by some of the rules and affords you opportunity for growth. You’re…
Two things that must be there - trust and respect. The number of times I’ve kept going back when one or both were lacking or broken - I just won’t do that anymore. Thank Goddess I finally learned!
I’ve learned this lesson myself and you’re absolutely right. Don’t compromise on that. Other issues - love languages, shared interests, shared goals, baggage, emotional health - pick and choose your battles and communicate and you can make the call if it’s good or not for you. But how they treat you - nope. It is…
You are so utterly on the nail. Utter lack of self awareness. And jerk? Uh, yeah - ya think? This guy is the epitome of jerk. I won’t even get into the more disgusting traits he has. In short - he’s a pig. Lacking self awareness is what I’ve been saying about him to everyone I discuss him with. I can’t respect someone…
❤️❤️ can’t wait to see how it unfolds when he’s back from a trip. we already have a double date planned with a good friend of mine. :) even better - i met him IRL not on an app through mutual friends. it’s all a new experience for me. lol...
oh shit :)
aw. i feel for him, too! did this up her real estate value to you at all? just curious. ;) in a way it makes her look pretty bad ass. lol.
Since we’re on this topic -my last longer term ex and I broke up in June. I’ve made it 100% clear I do not want to see him ever again, or ever get back together. He has texted me 3 times since then. And I have now blocked him everywhere, including gmail - well lo and behold, I checked my spam folder, and last…
I’m actually planning to send him an unsolicited text today just to be nice and give him some affirmation. This is like a whole other world for me. If you are really verbal, and need a lot of emotional intimacy, some people just are not available for that and you’re right - it is a relief to find a different…
You nailed it! It definitely is a love language for me. The last guy just either was not into me, and/or did not share that love language with me. Not only in text, in person, too I sometimes felt like he didn’t want to hear what I had to say. I’m a very verbal person. Some of my boyfriends we would text 24/7 and that…
I don’t do the avoidant thing once given the time of day. I do disappear in shame for weeks if I am ignored enough (especially if I over texted drunk...because then it just exacerbates my already constant oversharing), and if I REALLY like the guy I will with zero dignity re-engage if they look me back up. I honestly…