It’s terrible. It’s not a very relevant comment, but I’m going to add - she really isn’t that beautiful all things considered. She’s lost her shine, not that it was really there to begin with.
It’s terrible. It’s not a very relevant comment, but I’m going to add - she really isn’t that beautiful all things considered. She’s lost her shine, not that it was really there to begin with.
I’m a severe over texter. Recently dated a guy who I really liked but kind of blew me off - I was so guilty of so many dumb texts that totally made me look desparate. So then I’d stop and he’d circle back after awhile. Now I’m dating someone who texts me every day and I feel SO MUCH MORE SECURE. I don’t even blow…
it’s always straight men. like they don’t fucking get that who they follow and like is totally public. why are women smart enough to know that?
bwaha that cracked me up
i think she’s not mocking britney but feeling that she needs to jam out because everything is fucked. i kind of am down with it. ;)
Yes. But I prefer the ones from Aerie. The fit was better for me.
I’m saying I only wear lace thongs. The same style of underwear every single day. My first pair were Hanky Panky and since then I’ve found cheapear alternatives. They’re so comfortable, and it doesn’t create a line underneath your clothing or dig into your skin. I wear it for myself, too based on comfort and the…
then don’t listen to her music. it’s obviously very explicit by choice. if that’s how she wants to write, maybe it’s just not your cup of tea.
ha i commented above recommending hanky panky, too!
by all means sport the granny panty if you want - he can deal - but i’m here to say - i HATE elastic in my underwear and ever since i tried hanky panky (referenced in the article as a successful, comfortable brand helmed by women) - - the lace thong - i never wear anything else. they’re a little pricey so i’ve…
yeah i just posted the same above. he would have loved to be remembered this way! i’m sure it was a great source of pride for him!
i definitely agree with you. you can celebrate someone who was beloved and what’s wrong with being proud of having met or worked with someone you so greatly admire? i don’t think he himself would object to being honored in that way and would surely be proud himself of inspiring so many people at the top of the…
i have about 40k followers and mainly promote my music but i made $500 from a jewelry affiliate link last feb, and $200 last month plus a $75 value product. i love doing it and it’s a legit form of advertising.
It remains aspirational for many women. Maybe not the product itself (cheap, uncomfortable - although I do still have ONE of their miracle bras and bust it out with the right outfit even though I normally don’t wear a bra AT ALL) - - but the models who make the roster are like a seeing who gets recruited for a…
Seconded. She looks fabulous. It’s just botox and filler and she looks incredible all around and is a wonderful actress, producer, and class act. I think she is widely respected and loved.
that is so disgusting. will never be following this trend! lol
lol. i just can’t get over it. it’s perfect. don’t get me wrong i would so wear this. it’s just SO NOT MEGHAN KELLY it’s killing me.
LOL to Meghan Kelly goth. That was a super hilarious link. The shot of her expression and the outfit - I’m dead.
I am dating a guy who on our second date - and incidentally by the way fourth meeting total not including our solo dates - told me we should wait 1.5 months. I was a little tipsy, but I legit LOL’d and I told him I couldn’t do that. I got my way. ;) Convinced him to come up and he doesn’t regret it. ;) ;) ;) Not only…