you’re hilarious. it was a strapless jumpsuit that had shorts that are mini skirt length.
you’re hilarious. it was a strapless jumpsuit that had shorts that are mini skirt length.
yup! (shudder)
Julia looks great. Come at me. And she’s an old fashioned bona fide movie star. Not mustering a lot of hate for her.
no fucking way. it can’t be polyester. it can’t be!!!!!!!! i am legit dead if it’s that much of a con.
they’re planting it in the press. i don’t believe it for a sec.
that’s so funny. i can completely picture the type of guy he is.
I had a first date with a guy. He scheduled drinks only, because he had ‘a dinner’ later (probably another if I’m so oblivious, but whatever.) I met him for a drink. I was wearing a strapless mini jumpsuit and high heels and this outfit used to turn heads. He got really gaga over me, and I was pleased…
I LOVED the Catholic Imagination theme this year! Not sure how I feel about this one.
well, to be perfectly honest, when i choose a sex partner, i evaluate everything about them physically. sex is physical. for both men and women. i respond to and mentally evaluate every aspect of my attraction - the sound of their voice (this is big for me, and i can’t sleep with someone whose voice i don’t like,…
I feel for you but self pity is not a good look on anyone. If you keep working on being a fabulous partner, someone will want you and no one gets everyone they want out there. That’s not how life works. If you got dumped that sounds like they gave you a shot. If women are giving you a shot, they will continue to…
women care about ORGASMS. we also care about men who are fun to be with, confident, funny, attractive in many ways unrelated to dick size (like, do you dress well? are you in shape?) many ways. emotionally of course, but i’ve met a lot of guys with small dicks who compensated with a checkbook and…
my point is - we all have to deal with whatever cards we were dealt. i’m short, and i don’t have huge breasts. i embrace who i am and as a result i’m confident and i make the most of what i have. i have adapted. i know how to dress to make the most out of my figure. it took time and it takes continual effort because i…
get over it. women can objectify men it’s a two way street. and for the record, based on my experience, some of the guys i’ve been with who considered themselves too small were just fine for me. it’s subjective. and yes to the comment below about giving head.
that’s not entirely true. lots of guys like really thin women.
;) i don’t regret it!
This is all on the mark.
she’s so boring and it’s too fucking much
god chrissy and john are so fucking boring.
it’s a no. and i’m a huge stan of ri ri.