
Calabasas, honey.  It’s near Malibu it’s not Beverly Hills.

In other words I am going to LOVE THIS COLLECTION!  

you are spot on.  he has major ocd tendencies.  when i opened his fridge this am to get some water i was like WTF.  i’ve teased him about it.  he already mentioned to me that he’s psycho clean. that’s funny you made this observation just based on architect but wow does it truly describe him.  i do like a really clean,

Guys I’m onto date two with a cute architect who’s four years my junior. He texts every day how beautiful I am. He’s soooooo sweet. He’s pretty, too. Might end up something cute. I dunno yet! There’s still one other first date I want to give a shot.  At least meet in person.  Wish me luck and cheers, jezzies!

that’s fucking awesome 

Wow. I stan for her living her best life in Mykonos, but she needs to contain her ambitions to that. She has no idea what she’s doing.

in the video that was posted recently about his voice on howard stern....he said something like ‘she was in the writer’s room and we were like, what is this thing?  she’s like a robot.’  ‘what is this thing.’ i don’t know if i’m quoting it exactly but i’m like seriously??????  

that’s hilarious. i love it. cunts who like money. bitch, that me.

ok, fine aunty.  take your beer. 🙄  you get a pass.  

really?  i have to admit i kind of think they look good. her body is pretty sick.  

Cheers, bitch! ;) 


samesies.  i’m enjoying a glass of chardonnay right now.  i toast to you on the death of beer.  


yeah there were some gambling debts sketchily paid off recently or something like that. 

Thanks and same to you! 

YES. The most obvious example of this that happened to me was...I was dating this asshole ‘life coach’ from Scotland. He had to go on business to Prague. He broke up with me before he left. I was like, ok cool, bye. When he came back he inexplicably wanted me back. He took my phone, locked himself in the bathroom of a

omg that’s awesome 

omg there’s a name for it? yeah the two narcissistic abusive men i dated did this classic move ALL THE TIME.  i never trust a man who guilt trips me anymore.  it always indicates he’s guilty. 

yeah but it could be his hands are just too fat to wear it anymore