i have no idea wtf your point is
i have no idea wtf your point is
i think the idea is just that the mean girl / popular girl can get away with murder, and even get others in on the plot. i was the bossy mean girl as a kid and i manipulated kids into bullying others. i’m not a murderer tho ;) lol
worst article i’ve ever read on here
NO. This is a pretty awful article. She’s being honest about the reality of foster pet parenting.
isn’t she sober, aside from weed? and - tbh he prob is well endowed ;)
This pic is the only time I’ve considered him good looking. Saw him open for Halsey and he was such a douche. I’ve never understood why Queen Lana hooked up with this ish.
wow. it’s really fucked how he posted this before the plane landed safely. wtf??? how callous.
yeah :(
who’s to say she expects loyalty and is not just in it for the PR? now she’s famous. that’s what she needs in her line of work. bet her insta following went up by the thousands overnight, and she can definitely leverage this into her own press and opportunities. get it, girl.
Best of luck for your baby! Yeah it was terrible - I am pretty sure she got it from boarding in the group room at Best Little Cathouse. Never board your kitty in a group room. FLIV is spread by cat fights, and despite testing, I am 100% certain she got it this way. My ex boyfriend’s cat was 6 and same thing. He…
loved it!
awwww ❤️
he is so cute!
she needs to stop comparing herself, get new friends, and let go.
oh honey - sorry. my beloved cat had lymphoma at age four. we did chemo. she could not go into remission - unfortunately she was a case that passed away a month later - and it was an exorbitant cost that i’m very grateful my father was willing to sort out for me out of love of cats and sympathy for me. the remission…
Hi ladies! I’ve been going through the painstaking process of dating online in LA. I have someone I have butterflies for, and I haven’t felt this way in so so long. He’s swoon worthy handsome, and I have not had this kind of chemistry in one million years - if ever. I just got out of six months with a bitter, in…
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I’m so impressed you made a baby with your beta baby dick.
my ex boyfriend did that. it was SO strange.
holy fuck, bitch. god damn i love her and she looks so fucking excellent.