Hi MRA person. Thanks for checking. You are a lovely treasure. Keep dropping panties.
Hi MRA person. Thanks for checking. You are a lovely treasure. Keep dropping panties.
The 18 times before and his first child - I mean REALLY. This shit is why I’m not married. Men are idiots.
I could not get past this and thinking - what a loser!
i can do a lot in heels. i have insanely high arches and grew up doing ballet from the age of 2, so i balance on my toes second nature. i’m also short enough that for work - i almost always wear heels because i have less authority in flats.
Rebecca, I’m not that familiar with your writing but I really hate the flippant tone of this post. It’s a beautiful yet extremely sad story of a marine mammal’s heartbreak. Didn’t appreciate your handling of the material.
so many interesting takes in this dirt bag. can’t wait to read more comments after my date tonight ;)
omg i love bruce. once found myself drunk on a yacht with him.
he’s really hot!!! ugh. recently broke up with my hot boyfriend, and having one of those weeks where every photo of every celebrity and their engagement etc etc just really gets me down.
Hmmm. I mean, I have to let regrowth happen without touching it before I go into my pro brow lady. And I am really careful about touching up the strays with the tweezer in between appointments. It looks messy while it grows back in, but I’ve never had the hair disappear never to return. I suppose I am lucky, then!…
All this talk of brows not growing back - I don’t believe you guys! It takes time to regrow but brows grow back. If mine didn’t, I wouldn’t have to keep reshaping the damn things. I’ll never have thick brows but mine are average. I way overplucked in the 90s, but they grew back. Speaking of I have an appointment…
the author made the comment herself, afterwards, mocking men for not becoming mature until they hit half their life expectancy. maybe you need to work on your reading comprehension - sorry.
she’s saying he is NOW at his current age half his life expectancy
ugh. honestly all these weddings, including the royal one, and all these quick engagements are really really depressing to me. i’ve always wanted a quick engagement. i think it’s kind of romantic and hopeful. i’ve never been able to have one. most people don’t share my optimism about it. and someone i thought was the…
ok. i’ve looked everywhere tonight. i can’t find a way to stream this online~omg is it possible to even find this movie at all? please help i NEED this film lol
Ha so glad I cancelled my date tonight. I’d rather watch this with my cat.
it’s great. came here to comment on this, too
i hate the fucking fashion mag trope of writing the stars are eating fatty food. i never believe it. lol
oh come on, lol. kate did win. that dress sucked.
omg i’m dying over the arm thing. it’s really noticeable. this outfit. is TRAGIC
exactly. what fucking modeling career?