
Why don’t we use FEMA money chartering busses to get people out? Businesses don’t need to be open. Close then down by government order, bus people out. It’ll reduce traffic as well. I’m so disgusted that people aren’t biased out.

“Sex positive” is 90% of the time just a term used by people to try to excuse anything they do that has anything to do with their genitals from criticism.

B-b-but he had a killer opening line about just moving from San Fransisco. What Midwest rube wouldn’t immediately get wet for his clearly endless stories about what a favor he is granting to this hick so-called “city” by his learned presence?

What, you don’t want that guy mansplaining sex positivity to you?

I had never heard of this guy until this essay, but I have since rectified that by reading a bunch of stuff by and about him.

Why would anyone expect a bar to be a good place to meet people? Yes, there are exceptions, but most of the time I go to a bar, it’s too damn loud to get anything resembling a conversation going. Many times, if someone at my table say something and I can’t quite make it out, I’ll just do my best to parrot whatever

I don’t think there’s a city on earth where ladies wouldn’t reject him in a similar, and possibly much more hostile, manner.

“But it’s the midwest! My small trust fund should allow me to buy vast tracts of land!”

How could the city not fall in love with him? Look at how unique and interesting he is!

He will be tragically killed trying to explain to an oncoming subway car that he’s not interested in having sex with it.

New York is going to chew this intrusive, negging dirt munch a new one. God bless them.

Seriously, where was he getting a four dollar Lagunitas in San Francisco? Nowhere, that’s where.

He’s from San Francisco, he’s moving to New York, and Chicago is somehow too expensive for him. Does this fool know how to count?

I found his comments about the geography of the city mainly fair, but man, I can’t believe you didn’t get to the point of his article where the following happens:

Barry: I went up to these ladies in a bar and they didn’t want to talk to me
Barry: Heh, they weren’t

He was complaining that Chicago is expensive. He’s from San Francisco, for god’s sake. That alone made me realize how full of shit he is.

I hope this dude gets chased out of city after city until he’s reduced to fleeing a Carpathian village after telling an ornery goose he doesn’t want to have sex with it.

Look, let’s be serious, DACA was not a sustainable policy nor was it meant as one. It was a stopgap measure that needed to transition into a real pathway to citizenship, and never did. And this begs a much bigger question: What should our immigration policy be? Should we have total open borders? Should we have a

I haven’t thought of it this way before, but does Obama share some blame here?

The Hitman’s Bodyguard is a movie you forget exists immediately after seeing the title.

Maybe if everything wasn’t a sequel or an adaptation or a studio’s desperate attempt at creating a new franchise I’d feel the urge to put on pants and go to the movies more.