
I hesitate to defend Julian Fellowes ever, but how could Matthew be written off the show without killing him? Have him discovered to be the real killer of the Turkish gentleman and send him to a prison even more dull than the one Bates? So dull that they couldn't be bothered to film anything there?

Men do shave, keep their hair at a certain length, and take a certain care with their appearance. They're not running around in loin cloths and only bathing when the mood strikes them.

Alive hours before she died... Mind = BLOWN.

Now playing

There's something really humiliating about a conspiracy theory that can be squarely disproved by a Mitchell and Webb sketch.

I think there is difference between job loyalty and job etiquette here. Job loyalty is about the time and effort that you give an employer. It is about staying with your company through good and bad (or at least until they shove you out). It means not moonlighting at another gig, it means not searching for better

Based on your field and your age, I actually doubt that you would be in a much better position had you been more polite. The economy has a lot of qualified people working temp jobs. And the thing I've noticed about asshole bosses is that their rage tends to fall on the just and the unjust alike. I know plenty of

Autocorrect on Kinja kills me so very much that I sometimes leave errors as correcting them becomes infuriating. I feel you on that.

It may not be legal, but when you've already exhausted your unemployment benefits, cashed out your 401k, emptied your savings account, maxed out your credit cards, and don't make enough to put anything in savings, it's kind of hard to consider rocking the boat when you don't have a life raft to jump into when the ship

I'm a teacher. There is this huge myth that teachers have some sort of special calling, and do what they do because they love kids so much. (Not to be confused with the other huge myth about how we are all union thugs who steal taxpayer money and don't do any work). Whenever anyone says something to me about "doing

Whaaat? Ok, that's definitely not legal. That's actually kind of abusive. I hope whoever is instituting that gets fired.

That's the biggest thing. Burning bridges is a real and valid concern, especially when you work in a small field. It's like the fast food affect. Feels great in the moment when you're speaking your mind but then there's the aftermath... You tend to feel like shit and it can really hurt you in the long run.

At 26, I walked away from a good paying, well-positioned job. And by walked away, I mean I got up from my desk, sent a terse letter of resignation to my boss, and left. My department director apparently stood in the lobby shouting "well FUCK HER." It was at an "independent" school for girls ages 12-18.

I live in Norway. I'm from the States though. It was pretty easy to adjust to Norwegian dating - everybody pays for their own stuff. Unless you've been dating awhile, and then you take turns on who pays.

Not to be too much of a downer, and you sound like you have a plan, and are obviously intelligent and it will probably all work out! But just so you're prepared because this does happen to some women: there can be some pretty huge mood/hormone/emotional stability things that pop up post birth so just be aware that

Real life Alex did name the Real Life Piper. Maybe someone would have named Piper, maybe not. Ten years later, how many people would remember the first and last name of the drug dealer's girlfriend?

Smug is the PERFECT word to describe Alex. I dislike her way more than Piper because at least Piper has moments of clarity where she admits she's been an asshole. Alex is just so sure of her own superiority.

Eh, I moved back in with my parents for a while when I had lost my job and was finishing my degree and it sucked, but it was necessary. Most people who live with their parents are there because of shitty, temporary circumstances. And I think that no reasonable person would hold that against someone in those

That's only the journalists who still have full-time jobs. At the newspaper I worked at for years, most reporters were laid off entirely or had their hours cut so substantially that they had to take second and third jobs. The first to go? Those with good salaries. Now they hire green college grads on the serious cheap

"Hook-up" culture is not about having unsafe sex or "sex that results in" babies. At least I hope not, it's just a catchall for casual sex among young people.

My point is that it's more about access to abortion clinics/reproductive health clinics than the about the cost of abortions vs. the cost of not having an abortion. I have been very carefully following the news on the closure of abortion clinics and I live in a state that is affected by this horrible trend.