
Of course nothing has happened. Because nothing *has* happened. Once all the bullshit settles from the election and who’s going to be Jeremy Corbyn’s cat, then the EU will begin to pressure the UK to invoke Article 50, which begins the severing process. Then the shit will hit the fan.

Likewise here.

This idiocy started years ago when ABC started its ‘Up Close And Personal’ style of sports reporting. For some reason, people really dig that drek.

I’ve been making cherry lime soda— ice, simple syrup, black cherry juice, and lime-flavored carbonated water (I use Canfield’s). It’s delicious. And with a shot or two of vodka, a nice adult bevvy.

Anyone here done a comparison of Ulysses v. One Note?

At 12.05 when she turns on the heat: “What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On.”

Ladies and Gentlemen, your new Secretary of Education for the Trump Administration.

But we’ll never know as the buildings have to sign non disclosure agreements about the past, present, and future happenings at Harpo.

If anyone’s noticed, the weather in Chicago hasn’t been great— 90+ degrees with heat indexes driving to the upper 90's, low 100's. It’s usually hotter on the ball field, and those uniforms just look uncomfortable.

Honest to fuck, I’m so bored with the shitty press for Top Gear and the shitty press for it’s parallel universe, The Grand Tour.

Seriously republicans need to remember they were the party of Lincoln

It’s the Illinois Republican Caucus’ attitude towards minorities.

So it’s settled. Radcliffe is now Presenter for Life.

Hiddleswift is the forgotten house at Hogwarts.

“Oldest and largest civil rights organization”

I am so sorry.

This guy’s remarkable.

The only reason Clarkson was obsessive about the script was he wanted to get the dipthong pauses in JUST the right PLACE.