
Way too much time on your hands man. Apparently you feel compelled to write short stories to accuse others of being losers. Get over yourself, different people have different opinions take a Xanax or something.  

First of all, there are infinite genders, and it don’t matter if you can or will get used to it. And the more you gripe about it, the more genders will pop up in the meantime. So sorry. So, so sorry.

To be fair, a GM-caliber player is, by definition, going to have a much easier time breaking out of Silver than a Platinum or low-Diamond player who’s ‘stuck’ at that rank.

This made no sense. Mei ended up walking her way out anyway. Why’d she go through the trouble building an ice gun to fix a tower just to watch an inspirational video from Winston just to end up walking her ass out and talking to nobody? At least she could’ve have walked out and still had snowball with her. But noooo,

So will this animation be in the game or is it just for the Internet like all their Overwatch stuff?

I’m not a pro but I’ve been wrecked by some of the new cards mostly because I don’t have them. I get into these games against people who’ve obviously spent a lot of money on the new cards and get trashed by them. I don’t know if that’s a failure of matchmaking or what, but I can’t afford to drop $100 on cards.

And yet Nintendo does nothing. It boggles the mind how they can have something that is a raving success and still manage to be on a mission to fuck it all up. It’s almost like they sit around in a board room in Kyoto and say “hey we have this hugely succesful product, let’s find ways not to sell it, we wouldn’t want

“To defeat the Huns?”

Well, Eric, in order to cover game culture we often try to cover interesting or amusing human moments in addition to providing hard news or invetigative feature pieces. It’s a good reminder that players are crucial to games and that people are playing in a lot of different ways.

Can they sue over there?

They also didn’t have DLC, so you only payed once as opposed to current games that cost 66 cents less up front with the extra as DLC and patches to make them work.

Clearly you know nothing, because not only is requisitioning self-sealing stem bolts fun, its not just one form, its three! And they have to be done in triplicate! So its 9x as much joy as you are making it out to be.

God damn EVE is so interesting. I just wish the actual gameplay was more fun than filling out a Starfleet requisition form for self-sealing stem bolts.

He looks a bit small, which I only say because you know who’d be great to cosplay as Doomfist: Terry Crews.


Hey butthead.

Oculus exclusive? No thanks. I get the business reasons, but I refuse to support hardware exclusives on the PC platform.

And the second thing you learn about coding is that your code can account for situations that you never intended to occur.

ITT: people who have trouble with hyperlinks.

Its not even that according to a study by the Japanese government Piracy actually increases sales. Its been shown time and time again in studies that the effect of piracy on music, video games, movies, television and manga causes virtually nonexistent losses for the companies. The so called 20 billion is a made up