
“Dear Dr. Nerdlove ... I’m thinking about breaking up with my boyfriend because he’s distant and seems uninterested in me. The way I see it, I’ve got two options: 1. sit down with him and have an open, face-to-face conversation. 2. Write him a note, use google to translate it to Filipino, and then hand-convert that to

If I remember correctly, the department in charge of which ads get approved on Kinja is entirely separate from the writing and editorial staff.

Was it a distraction because of the gay representation or because the romantic life of a minor side character is superfluous to the plot and themes of the larger narrative?

Ubi don’t know how to optimise a game for PC.

That’s some hyperbole. There’s no evidence that a stolen game = a lost sale.

Wouldn’t call Android trickier at all. It’s incredibly easy, and there are APK sites which use checksums to ensure the files weren’t tampered with.

Yes, nothing says “entitlement” like deciding I like a game after pirating it and giving the developers money they wouldn’t have otherwise gotten from me.

Want to slow down piracy (youll never stop it) is to price your games reasonably, release actual finished games, dont add in microtransactions. Basically dont fuck your paying customers. We pirates (yup me too) fuck you because you fuck us. Why is 1/2 my gaming collection paid and why is 1/2 pirated. WHen you start

Now playing

Don’t see why the article needed to be written in the first place.

Hijacking this. How is this guy still around:

You know this post is about the Hearthstone community losing it’s mind? Kotaku has no horse in that race. They are merely reporting what is going on with the Hearthstone community and what said community are asking themselves. Blame Hearthstone for your unwanted dose of liberalism. Thanks though, your post gave me a

Maybe he’s black? Isn’t that usually enough probable cause in the US?

Cool story. But even if lifting the Jones Act now isn’t going to be a cure-all to the devastation, it will prevent further delays in the near-future. It will also keep costs down. No one is saying SEND MORE SHIPS RIGHT FUCKING NOW. But once the other sides of the logistics begin to get resolves, they will NEED MORE

It’s really quality work, but I don’t think she is visually distinctive enough from Symmetra. Still I would love to see this character.

And that Morrigan Halloween skin is AWESOME.

“Well, we can take a look at it, but I might need to break out the ol’ protractor and measure Tara’s hindquarters. After the Tracer fiasco, we’re only permitted so many radians of butt in the line-up, and Widowmaker takes up damn near half of them.”

and the ESRB in general.

I wouldn’t call them women.

but no female nipples so we can keep this SFW because female nipples are different from male nipples somehow.

I think these are all great cosplays made amazing by photographers and after effects.

Nice story and all, but things like this just don’t sit well with me when my family entered legally