
Man, Bethesda sure does know how to support their game launches. Launching on a Friday instead of a Tuesday? Not giving anyone advance copies? Going after indie game developers who use a very common word in a very distinctive title in a very different game?

...yeah, no, sorry, fuck you Bethesda.

This is why trademarks over common words are stupid :|

If a cooldown that launches you into the air doesn’t start till after you hit the ground, Pharah would be screwed. Winston was technically on ground the whole time, so there’s nothing broken about it.

Exactly. I get so sick of the term “cultural appropriation” because it’s constantly portray as a bad thing. As if every culture on Earth hasn’t assimilated anything from outside nor was built on people that came before. That’s how fucking civilization works. You want to keep cultures separate? Then support

Right. Isn’t Strife pretty much just a synonym of War though?

In Darksiders the four horseman have always been War, Death, Fury and Strife. Was always kinda weird, but it was kinda accepted because they’re kinda inconsistent most of the time anyway. I mean sometimes Pestilence is Conquest or whatever for example.

They are selling you a Hard Mode and a map tracker! You really going to sit there and say that’s normal? I wonder what line needs to be crossed in order for you to complain about something in a game?

Good on ‘em. Yeah, young people do dumb things but part of maturing is learning that your actions have consequences - especially when it comes to things like (e)sports, reputation is important. If you’re the best team in the world but full of assholes and cheaters, no sponsor is gonna wanna touch you with a 10-foot

The Twitter eggs tell me it’s a wonderful free country with a great super handsome leader, “and also “Trump 2020!” so I think it’s probably legit.

It’s a shitty place with a shitty economy supported by a shitty, free speech-curtailing government and following an oppressive, law-pushing shitty orthodox church.

Is there any joy in Russia? Or is this entire country just a miserable totalitarian shit hole? Asking for a friend.

I feel like part of the frustration with Nintendo’s C&D take downs and “IP protection” is that Nintendo won’t actually use any of its IPs. What happened to Chrono Trigger, Kirby, Metroid (real Metroid), F-Zero, (New Original) Star Fox, Advanced Wars, Wario, Golden Sun, etc? I think people wouldn’t be as mad if

Ah, but that was the last time he’ll be looking at a reply on this topic! This means that he’s WON! Y’know, because Internet dipshittery.

Eh, that’s what I’d heard, too, but it has not turned out to be the case at all (so far). There is no visible bird shit anywhere near our bird feeder, and we have not had to clean any.

your right,

Or you could try not being such a vapid, boring-ass bitch and just enjoy a little flourish once in a while.

Um... no.

The police are partially to blame on this one too. They ignored the family members, and proactively shot this guy in the face, which is hardly the proper police response. The cop that pulled the trigger should get punishment for being a trigger happy asshole.

To everyone who says this was meaningless, I posted this in the private forum early on: