If you REALLY want to get your entire shower life, get a Korean bath mit. If you’re familiar with Korean spas, they’re the ones little, old Korean ladies use there, and they. Are. The. Truth.
If you REALLY want to get your entire shower life, get a Korean bath mit. If you’re familiar with Korean spas, they’re the ones little, old Korean ladies use there, and they. Are. The. Truth.
This is autosomal DNA, so your results are both your mother AND your father. The only thing women can’t see is yDNA, but that is not used in autosomal testing. So yes, your Ancestry (or whatever company you use) tests are from both parents.
No lies. I’m from L.A. and have been laughing (and ugh-ing) at this mess my whole life.
Exactly. This has been my reply since forever (well, since my mom said it when I was a kid asking her about this). Tends to shut that mess down right quick.