I agree somewhat on Tears, but I’ve always really liked Lessons! Really happy song typical of early Rush.
I agree somewhat on Tears, but I’ve always really liked Lessons! Really happy song typical of early Rush.
Good job by the hiker wearing the appropriate thousands of dollars of top-of-the-line REI gear for a mellow walk outside.
How much of it do you think is because she’s American as opposed to race? I feel like that’s the one aspect that hasn’t been brought up as much.
T O O L - F E A R I N O C U L U M
500 times more fucked up?? No way. GB established a government that respected freedom, individual rights, and property; leading directly to Hong Kong growing from a tiny fishing village with limited natural resources to an economy with a per capita GDP higher than the US in the span of 60 years. Poor people all over…
Wait? What’s that?
“Su-per thread! Su-per thread!”
The people are demanding a super thread?
“Su-per thread! Su-per thread! J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS!”
How strange...
T O O L - F E A R I N O C U L U M
T O O L - F E A R I N O C U L U M - 3 0 A U G 2 0 1 9
I’d love to listen to an oral history podcast about A Minute with Stan Hooper, another one of Norm’s sitcoms that was cancelled after 6 episodes. Apparently there was this whole plan for the show to take a huge dark twist as Stan figured out his wife had been murdered (or something). That would have been insane to…
Also, Spicer said enough fucked up shit on his own without exaggerating his point to be “Hitler wasn’t that bad” which he clearly didn’t mean.
Are you sure we “don’t talk about” this? Seems like plenty of people are talking about it. One of the joys of podcasts for me is that I don’t have to talk or even think about this issue. I can just as easily access a podcast developed by a team with a star making 7 figures as I can one from two teens in their parents’…
And I love the high quality YouTube recordings of the first new Tool songs in 13 years! Huzzah!
Who Charted did a great Brody Stevens memorial ep. I hadn’t charted in a long time but had to check in on my boy Kremer; I feel awful for him, Brody was clearly one of his close friends.
I’m assuming that Tool will win every category in next year’s Grammys
Ctrl F “Tool” - 0/0
Fuck that really bums me out to hear. Omar seems like such a mellow guy.
Ooh, also I forgot “Now I’m All Messed Up” another T&S classic.
Great call. That and “Call it Off” by Tegan and Sara are my favorite breakup songs. Well, maybe if you categorize “Schism” or “Pushit” by Tool as breakup songs they would be in the lead, because I fucking love Tool.