
In the same situation, when I owned a winch equipped Wrangler, I always looked for times to be a Good Samaritan.

I should probable elaborate a bit because I don’t think journalists covering these stories understand the tech they’re writing about. In general, apps and devices that use voice recognition begin with an existing general purpose voice recognition library/api, they then tweak this library to more accurately identify

Oh, I was hoping someone out there had the cold, hard truth. Especially from Canada, which as we all know is the baseline experience for internet service across the entire world. The next time an entire county in Kentucky complains about their satellite ISP, I’ll just tell them I know they’re lying because this one

Juuling. Congratulations teens, you now have an addiction. Take it from me, you don’t want this monkey on your back, because it never completely leaves. Ever. 30 years later and it’s still with me. It never leaves completely, you only learn to manage it after gut-wrenching hard emotional work, gallons of tears, and

If you’re putting all your weight on your ass, you’re going to hurt your ass and you’re going to hurt your horse. Most of your weight should be down in the stirrups or in your thighs, gripping the saddle.

On second thought, that sounds pretty Boring.

I encourage you to think about what would happen if someone gave you a week or two to move everything in your home out of harms way. Could you afford it?Where would you go? What if you made minimum wage and were barely paying your bills as is? Could you afford the weeks of lost work? Or the months of lost work

“get back on my feet” is fundamentally incompatible with “maintain/repair a BMW.”

I absolutely endorse Tom’s choice. I too was in the position where I had to buy the cheapest reliable and practical car. Could not believe it when the Scion xB was what the numbers came up with - $2k less than the next cheapest Toyota hatchback at the time. I thought, oh well, that’s what the numbers say so I have to

More of these!!!

He’s from Ourshitdontstinkistan.

But this is the exact playbook set out by the airline. These weren’t rogue employees, these people did everything United has instructed them to do. Flights are intentionally overbooked anticipating a certain percentage to not show up, allowing United to make more money. Then they offer vouchers (on other oversold

Repurpose them.

That’s some nice engineering, there. If you build it into a briefcase and call it a science project for school, SJW’s will help you fight for your right to get it through TSA without all of that unnecessary hassle.

For those who can’t view the video at work (or wherever)...

So, we also need buttons that donate to the ACLJ and the Republican National Party. The code should be easy to adjust to make that happen.


The people who get triggered enough to push this button are probably not great with money anyhow. They’ll all be homeless in a few months and they’ll need the ACLU more than ever. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy.


You can also stop sneezes by pushing your tongue into the roof of your mouth. Useful for when you have a cold, or you're in a meeting, or you're hiding precariously behind a tree from a ghost while Fred, Velma and Daphne are setting the net up over the roller coaster car.