
I want 20 seconds of my life back now, please.

And for anyone east of the Rockies, you have Cicada Killers.

They’re also in SoCal. I saw one last month at Caspers’ Wilderness Park. Pretty safe to assume that they’re anywhere tarantulas can be.

Me to the serial interrupter during a meeting (in front of our supervisors): “Excuse me, I wasn’t finished making my point. I did not interrupt you during your argument; please allow me the same professional courtesy.”

1938 MG with mosquito hood ornament. Taken in Summer 2012 at the Dearborn Inn at a classic car show.

1938 MG with mosquito hood ornament. Taken in Summer 2012 at the Dearborn Inn at a classic car show.

Hot weather testing on V128 - an early 2012 pre-production Fisker Karma prototype.

Rich snobby millennial liberal thinks all republicans are white and dumb; S/he/it can’t argue their point using logic and reason because thinking for yourself is just so hard.

Now if only he was a Jehovah’s Witness or Scientologist...

As a former bicycle commuter, the fitness cyclists a.k.a. the “spandex brigade” deserve their own place in hell. They’re the only group of fitness jerks I’ve ever seen that can simultaneously take up an entire bike lane and the right side vehicle lane while moving much slower than traffic and run multiple red lights

It’s Utah - the only place where green jello erupting from a storm drain is a real possibility.

Best explanation of jet lag ever.

The pronunciation of Hyundai is still wrong. ( I have yet to meet any non-speaker of Korean who pronounces Hyundai correctly. Linguistically speaking, the “h” in the “hy” transition is not pronounced using the same part of the tongue as in combinations like “ho” or “hu”. Also,

Your explanation of product development economics is spot on. It becomes very expensive, very quickly to design and produce multiple part numbers when only one part needs to be changed (or in this case, more parts added).

If you’re going to put your pilot in a bubble, at least make that bubble functional:

Politely inform him that he should select a different seat. There’s a reason why premium economy and exit row seats exist.

Right on, Breakfast for Dinner.