
“The voice of the average, blue-collar American isn’t necessarily represented in Hollywood.”

I need these gummy bears to help me with the pain. The pain of having to deal with this endless scrolling article bullshit. I need to get so blazed that when I click on an article about dank gummies, I get so stoked that I scroll right by and end up reflecting on my weed induced state and start to question my choices.

I already shared it to Facebook since I have never left the fast life and dissipation phase and I’m 45.

I love how the “downward slide” starts with bad literature. I’m guessing she’s reading 50 Shades of Grey.

Since companies such as Disney have brought in foreign tech workers and had the gall to order U.S. born workers to train their replacements I agree that the H1-B visa does need to be examined and revised. Just don’t know if Trump can be trusted., particularly since the GOP stifled the most recent actual bipartisan

Based on your comment history, you clearly hate Jezebel and find it beneath you. I’m gonna give you some advice: You don’t have to read it! It’s really that simple. Secondly, you have a hard time with the meaning of words, such as “misogyny,” “satire” and “jokes.”

I’m 40, married, with no children. It’s amazing how in 2017 I still get snide comments from people for choosing a life without kids (particularly from women of child bearing age). I’m selfish, my life has no meaning, and, by all accounts, I’ll have no one to care for me when I’m old. Even as a child growing up, I knew


Can someone explain the appeal of these movies to me? I’m surprised they are still doing so well—this was number 8! Anyone who has seen a few of ‘em—is the action particularly well done or something? There must be something to it, I’m thinking.

It’s a sad statement on the American energy sector when even somebody as talented as Janet Jackson can’t keep her mining job.

Anyone that thinks using force against North Korea is a good strategy should look at the Waco cult incident. Didn’t turn out very well.

Yikes, and holy cow to the 100+ Ph.D.s competing. I can’t imagine how frustrating that must be.

I have several math department friends who are in the same position - road warriors at three local community colleges. Keep your chin up, keep researching, keep writing, keep on keeping on.

And professorships are very competitive, to say the least. How frustrating. This is why my dad is retiring after 40 years as a carpenter rather than after 40 years as an anthropologist. My apologies for reading comprehension fail.

Now playing

He just walked up to me and started chatting me up, staring at my boobs the whole time.

Yeah it was. I can repost the picture:

Love the red/brown one - it’s like there’s a light shining through.

Those all look amazing!

Last week a wrote a post about being a stay at home mom of a 4 yr old and 2 yr old, newly pregnant with an unwanted would-be 3rd child. I said I was nervous and feeling emotional about the abortion I had scheduled. I want to thank you all for the support and sharing. I had the abortion yesterday. It was fine. I felt