
I can’t believe “The Day the Earth Froze” is not on more of these lists. Absolute classic.

We must be in the minority on this, but I agree. The show has become really stale and formulaic, and kind of more biting than funny. I think John needs to take a little time off and recapture his Summer of Danger vibe.

Is is too late to make a show that’s just Kim Cattrall and her three new best friends, who all happen to be women of color? Because I’d watch that.

The Venn Diagram of Zoom meetings that could have been a conference call and should have been an e-mail is basically a circle, in my experience.

Yeah, on the one hand I’m willing to give her credit for getting out, but on the other hand she also married him in the first place despite about a million red flags.

I think it is in the nature of middle-ground studio executives to feel obligated to dick with things, even if they don’t need dicking with.

I found out that Hulu has an entire "Best of Benson and Stabler" playlist yesterday, so that's fun. 

Where was he radicalized? NYT reporting that this guy’s church was anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-premarital sex, and preached the brand of “purity” doctrine that tells women their immodesty in dress and behavior leads men astray.

I watched some of this hearing and make no mistake— a lot of these are re-heated versions of the same tired arguments trotted out against the ERA 40 years ago. They know the playbook— turn people off to the idea of “equality” by convincing Middle America that giving out too many rights will disrupt their comfortable,

The show took a while to find its footing, but I really found myself enjoying this last season. As others have said, the scheduling was awful. Especially with a season-long arc like this, it’s so easy to lose or forget details when there are no new episodes for months. New characters were getting thrown in right until

I don’t have a problem with the “found family” narrative, because we did see it developed with so many other characters. But, yes, making Webby a clone was a plot twist that falls apart if you think about it too much. Clone is not the same as daughter, but if that’s the way they wanted to treat it, May and June are

Just popping in to remind everyone that The Talk has been homophobic and transphobic for years. (And yes, this includes while Sara Gilbert was a co-host.)

Some inside baseball on this, but editorial teams have wide discretion to publish work even if it gets highly critical feedback during the peer review process. It’s unethical, but there is some genuinely shit stuff that gets published because journal editors have an agenda (i.e., they either agree with these garbage

While watching the interview, I was reminded of this anecdote I heard years ago about Princess Diana (and I can’t remember where, but I’m curious whether anyone else recalls this). Evidently, royal protocol dictated even what wattage of light bulbs could be used in royal residences and the lighting had to be dim

As an American who lived in the UK for a while, this feels so obviously true to me. Especially when you figure in the demographic of people surrounding the royal family, who are overwhelmingly older, white, and deeply encoded with unwritten notions of what can be considered “proper conduct.

You’re entirely within your rights to not “like” her, but given that she is not British—and she says no one bothered to tell her even of basics of royal protocol—I’m guessing there’s a good chance someone didn’t go over “tights/no tights” in detail.

That last interview segment with Metcalfe was really hard to watch. He's still blaming himself all these years later, but he was dealing with an absolute sociopath.

People are focusing on the money aspect of this comment, but the power is incredibly relevant as well. We have far too many political leaders—including both parties in this—who are hanging on to political office well into their 70s and 80s. Average age of US citizens is 38, average age of Congress members is 58 for

We’re a smaller amount of people and yet one that also continues to be underrepresented in positions of power.

“...Also, the “I can’t wait until they are 18" crowd to be especially gross.”