
FWIW, Linda Kay Klein’s “Pure” is a great book in a similar vein focused on the experiences of adolescent women in Evangelical communities.

“ which all 151 Kanto-region Pokémon were available to catch at various times throughout the day.”

I had better luck this time around (19 shinies for the day), but yeah. I got only two during the entire first day of GoFest last year and was very salty about it.

I’m sure that’s how she sees it, despite the data suggesting that she got herself booted out of the job. Weeks of Loeffler & Perdue towing the party line of “the elections were rigged” and their own base decided to believe them and stayed home during the runoff. They got exactly what was coming to them.

They have a TV-PG rating for “tobacco depictions,” which cracked me up. Almost as funny as Star Trek TNG, which is flagged on Netflix for “sex and fear.

If anything, the documentary does a nice job of showcasing how incredibly creepy it was that so many grown-ass adults and “professional” journalists found it appropriate to dig around about whether a teenager and her long-distance boyfriend were doing it.

Several things others have noted, but regarding Britney there was a sense that he capitalized on their relationship after they broke up, i.e., talked about their sex life in interviews as a cheap shot, made a video suggesting she cheated on him (which may or may not have actually happened), etc.

The documentary suggested that she agreed to the conservatorship because she was seeking visitation with her children at the time and it was tied in to a larger effort to show that she was “getting help.” What was interesting to me is that although someone whose competence is questioned can voluntarily enter into a

I mean, she cribbed the entire getup from Ex-Sen. Perdue, the incumbent senator, former CEO, and relative of a Cabinet member who staked his reputation on throwing on a denim jacket and calling himself an outsider. Not one original idea in Loeffler’s campaign.

Population distribution and healthcare workers refusing the vaccine are substantial issues. I don’t know if you’re in GA, which has also expanded the rollout to all people 65 and over—but it sounds like the catch is that rollout is being expanded mostly in smaller cities and rural areas, where they have so many doses

I read Rucker & Leonnig’s A Very Stable Genius early this year. In retrospect, it’s wild to think that future readers will wade through that entire book and get to the end realizing it ends before COVID was even a thing. (Good luck on your book, too!)

...You know there’s data on this, right?

Probably sadly accurate because the birth rate is going to tank for the next couple of years too. May as well cash in on Star Wars/Pixar/Marvel as “all-ages” properties.

We pay $400-$450/month for insurance and yet ended up paying over $5000 out-of-pocket this year just for prescriptions for my husband. Most of that was for insulin. Just to stop the financial bleeding, we’ve changed my husband’s insurance company, are funding a flex spending account, are using GoodRx, and are probably

I’d be more receptive if Filoni hadn’t already been on a multi-decade, multi-series quest to build an entire life and times of Boba Fett. Young Boba was so annoying in Clone Wars and took up so much needless screen time, I was perfectly happy not seeing an afterlife of the character, but <gestures around> here we are.

Unfortunately, I think a lot of us have felt for some time that the "blockbusters" were underwhelming on originality and story. It just seems to justify that, without a *theater experience* these things fall flat. I'd personally love to see this result in some more compelling storytelling and less reliance on the

Clone Wars-era, you didn’t even need the sword. Satine et al. were trying to modernize the place. At this point, a lot of the “Manda-lore” has been made up as we’ve gone along and gets explained away by “different factions believe different things for... reasons.”

I agree— this is potentially big, now that he has the darksaber. They wouldn’t have introduced Bo Katan and devoted this much screen time to discussions of Mandalorian politics if they weren’t going down that road.

Sounds like we have another spin-off for Disney+

Were the Imperials on the planet they went to part of Gideon’s group? I don’t think so. They must have just been another remnant group?????