Do we want to start the pool on how long before Cawthorn sexually harasses someone on his staff?
Do we want to start the pool on how long before Cawthorn sexually harasses someone on his staff?
Yep. Our household of 2 independent voters in a swing state received no less than 6 absentee ballot applications from the state GOP telling us Trump wanted us to vote by mail. More recently, the GOP decided that my husband is Black (he’s not), so while I get partisan mailers aimed at white suburban women with pictures…
IMO, he just wanted to start Trump TV but now realizes he’s in so deep that sovereign immunity is the only thing protecting him from bankruptcy and prison.
I liked this opener. Especially cool to hear that score again. I’m going into this season cautiously optimistic. About 11 months ago, I made a joke on this site prior to the release of Episode IX that, if all the rumored cameos & plot points we were hearing about were true, the movie would be completely incoherent.…
I have to respectfully disagree with the assessment of Dormer’s performance in City of Angels. She was downright goofy in many of those scenes, and I’m frankly surprised there wasn’t more blowback against her skin-darkened performance as a Hispanic gang leader... Though ratings would suggest perhaps no one watched the…
Your original post that suggested fancy cafeterias and gyms/exercise facilities are signs of “untenable tuition.” These things are unrelated.
*Sigh* OK, one more time for the people in the back— Tuition does not pay for campus food options, gyms, sports, residence life, etc. etc. These things are paid for by other costs and fees. It is true that they are used to attract students, though it’s more accurate to say they are aimed at attracting applications.…
You didn’t miss it. There was no point, just another digression to give a character a long, tragic, scrambling backstory.
I had been operating under the impression that Dani was locked in the closet by Peter and Rebecca in the bodies of Miles and Flora, possibly trying to scare her off or something. That it was actually Miles and Flora, locking her in to avoid a possible encounter with the Lady of the Lake, makes more sense I suppose...…
I didn’t quite mind the digressions of this episode as much as some of the others we’ve seen, because it finally gave us some actual *exposition* about what was going on with the house. (I’m looking at you, Dani with your pointless ghost fiance.) But this would have worked better if we had bits and pieces of it…
Wow, I guess I’m an outlier in that I was underwhelmed by the series and, like Kayla, by this final episode. I thought the pacing (in the finale and to some extent throughout the series) was bad. Too many stories within stories within stories that held us back from getting exposition directly related to the titular…
I’m hetero and I don’t think the actresses have any chemistry at all. Also agree with Kayla that Jamie’s monologue was a snooze. I found the prior episode dragged as well, so watching these two back-to-back made me just want to scream. Typical Netflix padding problems.
Indeed, how would she ever survive in a country like France that lacks 35-hour workweeks, paid maternity leave, and affordable childcare. Oh, wait... Sorry, that’s the U.S.
I think it’s also known that STEM faculty tend to be more politically right-leaning than many of their colleagues. There was a bit of a dust-up on Twitter a few weeks ago when a white, female chemistry professor at an elite university shared some nonsense about how she doesn’t usually vote because she’s a scientist…
“...Trump has not interviewed anyone else for the job.”
Among other things, it’s a fundraising channel. Alumni of Greek organizations are more likely to donate to schools after graduation. Depending on the school and the organization, fraternities can also be important to alumni hiring networks— which might help a school’s job placement stats for recent grads.
Clearly I am not at your university, because we’ve heard not a peep out of our administrators even after hundreds of cases.
Good on her. There’s any amount of shame to go around at college campuses right now, but Greek life is a huge contribution to the problem. Our administration has been cagey about reporting numbers, but it’s clear that we’ve had at least six fraternities and sororities so far that have been the source of outbreaks.…
There are absolutely men who do this. My sense is that they’re doing it in less public ways. I knew of two white men in graduate school who likely misrepresented their ethnicity to get into Ph.D. programs or to get play in a competitive job market. In one case, it really was no question as he was pretty open about it.…
Solidarity. I have a very unusual name and share it with exactly one other person in the country, who "acquired" the same name as me by taking her husband's last name when they married. Same e-mail issue. To be fair, her mix-ups are more intermittent, but a bigger annoyance to me is that I have a web presence for…