My mother-in-law came over the other day and asked for an apron. I told her “I’ve never seen one around here.” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
My mother-in-law came over the other day and asked for an apron. I told her “I’ve never seen one around here.” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Watched the first episode of this. Really had a hard time getting past the premise that humanity’s most important mission to space ever would be almost entirely staffed by a group of whiney 20-somethings that look like they could be the cast of The Real World: Space. They then spend most of the episode lounging in…
And Pam was also kind of terrible. She couldn’t follow through on jobs/school, defrauded the company, and was pretty conscientiously flirting with other men while she was in a relationship.
“I’ve had to explain to first generation students that a PhD in Philosophy from a 70th ranked program is not necessarily a pathway to success”
I appreciate the piece addressing these issues. Having spent a few years as an adjunct and a “visiting” professor at several universities (hint: we are often not “visiting” from anywhere, it’s just a polite way of saying we’re full-time but temps with non-renewable contracts) I can say many of these issues are true.…
Just to point out, planes don’t necessarily fly in a straight line from point A to Point B. Here’s an actual Denver-St. Louis flight path I grabbed off Flight Aware. It makes Iowa seem not outside the realm of possibility.
This reminds me of how my high school salutatorian plagiarized her entire graduation speech from one of those Chicken Soup for the Soul-type books. This was in the early days of the Internet, so there was no social media to really call her out on it. However, she did go on to attend the same elite liberal arts college…
You really seem to be either incapable or unwilling to read/understand what passes for scientific consensus.
An embryo at 6-8 weeks is not a person, not a child, not even a fetus. It has no “heartbeat” because there is no heart. It doesn’t feel pain. If you are a Christian who believes that life begins at conception, then you also have to believe that God lets over 50% of human life die, as half of fertilized eggs fail to…
I will now forever be sad knowing that Downward Dog was never renewed, but Good Girls is still running? WTF.
100%. He probably genuinely believes most rapes are faked. Just like the (female) officer I reported my rape to 15 years ago, just like the acquaintance I had who worked in law enforcement, who told me most date rapes are just made up by girls who feel guilty the next day. These are the lies that officers tell…
A problem with this, of course, being that pro-life women like Gov. Kay Ivey are quite unlikely end up in that position. Funny how women’s attitudes on these issues often become more conservative as they age out of their childbearing years.
FWIW, I work for a public university in Alabama and we don’t even have paid maternity leave. When a staff member has a baby, we (read: female co-workers) are asked to donate our leave time to help out new moms.
...And herein lies the problem. Political polling on the topic pretty consistently suggests that women in this country are about equally as likely as men to be pro-life. The issue is inherently gendered, but it’s also religious and political.
I’ve found myself feeling depressed about the situation in GA this week. I’m with someone and we’re thinking seriously about trying to start a family, which is daunting enough since I’m nearing 40 and am scared of fertility issues, but the thought of what happens now if something goes wrong is terrifying.
My fiance’s sister had over a dozen people show up uninvited to her reception. Evidently the pastor of their church, who was the officiant, told people in the congregation it would be cool for them to just show up even if they hadn’t gotten an invite.
The point of getting them admitted as athletes or special needs students was probably to ensure that they’d have an easier ride. Where the families managed to convince the university that the kids were learning disabled, that likely allowed them extra time on exams, or access to a computer when it wasn’t allowed for…
My brother and I were first-gen college students. I’m now an academic myself, and this makes me livid. The pedigree matters all the way up, and yet these people pay their way in while those without the means and/or connections struggle to navigate the most basic elements of the process. I remember as a teenager seeing…
Oh my gosh, she’s so big now! Hope you’re able to find a place that works for you!