
So... their plan was just to rip off the Bridget Jones series?

My experience with Bumble was mixed. I’ve communicated with guys through the app and have been on a few dates as a result, but I second the person who posted that guys were extraordinarily lazy. Even if they do respond, they sometimes bitch about how they “don’t like” the app, which I always read as code for they

There were some opposition candidates (a few of them women) on the ballot who had no chance, but I was happy to see them make themselves visible. I wish they were a little better resourced— it was clear to me (I live close enough to get TV stations broadcast out of AL) that the Republican candidates had endless money

(I tried to post this from my phone and it didn’t work, so apologies in advance if it turns out to be a double-post...)

OMG, so cute!

This is an amazing idea. 

So sorry to hear this. Hope you’re takin care of yourself. 

I’m so sorry this happened to you, and I admire your bravery in speaking out. Thank you for posting the story.

Your story sounds a lot like my family. I have some cousins who are 1/4 Puerto Rican, 3/4 white and they face the same issues you describe (esp. because they don’t speak Spanish and don’t have a Hispanic last name). I’ve long suspected that this is going to be a huge issue in the U.S. in the next generation, because

The “switching out her birth control with tic-tacs” comment referenced above really took me aback when he said it on the show. I’d put it in the category of crass jokes that you should maybe make in private and not in front of a live audience of millions of people.

I think the preview embedded here is a different one than I saw in theaters, but I was instantly turned off by the soft-focus, overexposed shots of this gorgeous pregnant woman who we’re supposed to believe just rolled out of bed. Not only is it cheesy as hell and very male-gaze, it’s also completely obvious at

I’m sorry this was so hard for you. I do want to say, as someone who has also been a sexual assault victim, *thank you* for making the effort to go to that training. When I took my rapist to court nearly 15 years ago, he was acquitted because the first law enforcement officer to take my report (a woman) didn’t believe

It’s going to be Cam’s sister. The show already has them parenting her baby.

For those who keep pinging me about how warnings work, here’s James Blake talking about other umpires giving out “soft warnings.” So yes, players do just get warned sometimes without running up violations that then lead to point/game penalties. Why didn’t that happen this time, if as Blake is implying this is

You are putting really bad ideas into my head! I’ve been wanting to go to the Atlantic coast (likely Outer banks, Savannah, or Charleston) but with all the life changes I’ve had lately, I’ve put off planning it. I’d also like to take the dog with me... if anyone can recommend dog-friendly places to stay in these areas

Now playing

These are some of Serena Williams’ recent advertisements. They play on the fact that works hard, breaks barriers, and themes of female empowerment. The discourse is that she is an inspiration—which is great—but compare that to the McEnroe advertisement, where the joke is that he is a competitive jerk. To take it a

Nice! Having some wine now.

I’m really sad about that. There is so much to see there, especially in terms of ecotourism possibilities. When I was in Cartagena pretty much all of the bar staff and vendors I spoke to on the beach were expat Venezuelans. They make more money selling piña coladas to tourists than they could make back home right now.

Argentina is great! Please come back and post pics!

I’d modify this a bit to say that the guys you mentioned have also been presented as angry or aggressive—but in a way did great things to their masculine “bad boy” image. While Serena gets a lot of finger-wagging. I remember that long before today and the catsuit incident, it was about her grunting or being visibly dis