
This time around we have the added plot twist that we’ve also convinced young, professional, college-educated people that they need to work for free to even get into the workforce. Good times.

I wanted to see him again, and I thought he wanted to see me too. I wish I had a better answer. I thought I was over it and I guess I didn’t realize how willing I was to have him back in my life until he made it a possibility. 

Mark Hamill didn’t run off, he’s going to be back. :) As for Carrie Fisher, I read the Princess Diarist last year, and it does come across that she loved this role. So, I hope she’d be OK with the final appearance. Of course, it means I’ll be sobbing in the theater at episode IX just like I was sobbing most of the way

Bad news: Feeling like I let myself get taken advantage of (again) by my ex last weekend. I was coincidentally heading to [old city, where he still lives] to meet up with friends and, after months of no contact, my ex texts me a couple of days before I was supposed to head out there, telling me he was sorry he hurt

The creme anglaise in ice cream already has eggs, so it’s basically ice cream with a hint of lemon or dijon or vinegar. 

I hate those days when I’m all in a hustle to get out the door and I forget to put on clothes under my coat.

It’s like something Scientologists would call one of their boats.

Ugh. That quote about donating to the GOP reminds me of all the women I know who have 100% liberal or democratic political views, but who are registered Republican because their husband/father/whatever-dude-in-their-life told them “you’ll never be listened to by the local government unless you’re a registered

I’m not sure I’d call it “underrated,” but the show has definitely been discovered or rediscovered by a lot of people through streaming. (Also, in my market, it’s in constant re-runs.) In that sense, the motivation is similar to Will & Grace and Roseanne and everything else getting rebooted. The difference with Frasier

This happened to a friend of mine lately. He was in the Uber with me and another of his friends (who was drunk and being fairly obnoxious) and the driver must have figured that we were all trashed and he could get away with it.

Honestly, when I see her say that she was an asshole to him and he stayed for eight years my first thought was, “celebrities: they’re just like us!” 

I want to screenshot this and send it to my friend. She’s been with her husband nearly 20 years and was insisting that another friend of ours just gets messages like these while online dating because she’s so overbearing. I was trying to convince her that, no, a lot of guys online do this to everyone.

Not even for a burrito— only for chips and guacamole. That is the most eye-roll inducing thing about that post.

I don’t feel like I need to know “every single thing” about her story, but since this entire story was framed as a medical PSA, it does seem relevant to tell us about the long-term prognosis for someone with the condition. (Also, you know, if Jez is going to post this to the top of their site like it’s newsworthy.)

people have complete unfettered access at all times to the objective truth, and willingly choose to not engage with it.

I’m going to look up those apps! Sounds like something I could really use.

I’m so sorry this happened to you. I was raped over a decade ago and I got a lot of support from the rape crisis center in my town. Sometimes it is easier to talk to strangers, and even if you aren’t ready to talk to someone in real life right now, they’ll be ready to talk whenever you are. Please take care. <3

I feel for you. I was just complaining about having to pay for COBRA while I’m between jobs. It’s horrendously expensive, but this will be the first summer in about three years that I’ve had the money to buy health insurance to cover me. I know that’s a privilege.

I love to make a nice pasta salad with whatever veggies look fresh and good at the market. If you don’t want to have the oven on too long, it’s nice to have some frozen, pre-cooked shrimp that you can thaw quickly and heat through in a stir fry or something.

Thanks. :) Yeah, I figured I had to accept this invitation because who knows if I’ll ever get invited to something like this again in my career. But terrible timing!