Lady Lala

OK, I just watched and it was horrible. Especially the part where he's mansplaining "Simone, you are not here because of your work, you are here because of me me me and my my my desire to marry you" - blech.

And this is why my BF is forbidden to even think about doing a public proposal.

Can we all stop with these public proposals??? PLEASE!! They are awful for everyone involved.

I hope this lands her and her organization some free publicity on the talk show circuit! Hey Ellen, why not give her a call...? :)

Japanese bathrooms have been doing this for years. But that's specifically for the room with the bathtub in it. Japanese bathing practices are slightly more complex than western ones.

Seriously. I do not understand why this has not happened. The design mags are so close with the ginormous doorless showers, its only a short hop to making the whole damn room a shower. You could put the tp in a special niche. THIS IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE, PEOPLE.

Sarah took hold of Maryland at one point. I thought there would still be a couple more, especially in the Bible Belt, but oh well. It was probably a close second.

11. You don't have to deal with infertility.

My renters insurance was cut in half when I moved out to the county. Even where I work downtown, where they are trying to clean it up, people get assaulted all the time - once I was robbed at gunpoint. I've replaced three broken windows in my car, and cleaned vomit out of my backseat. (I started leaving it unlocked;

I was actually going to bring this up in response to your comment because its something I find very interesting. I'm in my mid-twenties, and in my lifetime my family has been on both sides of the socioeconomic spectrum. When I was growing up and attending public schools in a lower-middle to lower-class rust belt

This chart only shows the most popular spelling of names; if you group all the Katelyn/Kaitlin/Caitlin/Catelynns etc, it would be much higher ranked (though maybe not the top name). Ditto for Catherine/Katherine/Kathryn. I've been charting names ranked with spellings grouped together for years! (

Went to college with at least 10 Sarahs... and it was a small campus.

Ha! I'm a Katie born in the late' 70s and have never been in a classroom/office/social group without at least one other Katie. My last name is one syllable so people routinely call me by my first and last name, even in casual conversation. I do think it doesn't pop up on these lists because it was primarily a nickname

I don't really think (or at least I have no reason to know) that you're a racist. So: Joke.
White people DO have ethnicity (although it must be said that many, many American white people are such mongrels they cannot honestly really claim one particular one). So: Not Joke.
Who would I tell? So: Joke.
Every month is White

My mother grew up Irish Catholic in 1950's Kansas, as Katie O'Connor. It was a Thing — her name was a sandwich sign in Protestant America at that time, and this was just a few years after the classified ads all specified that "no Irish and no Negroes" need apply. As a college girl, she switched to Kate, and made a big

I'm a Katie! there were three of us who went through school together and referred to ourselves as Katie cubed. We were dorks.
I know at least two Jenn/Jess sister combos though, and more Sara(h)s than I could possibly count! So while I feel like we are overwhelmingly represented we are definitely not the most

Because their first name is probably Mary!!!

Maybe her mom is from the 1850s and thinks Irish people are ethnic?

Yeah that's what I'm thinking, Katie can be short for Katherine, Kathryn, Catherine, etc. I don't think it's usually given as a name on its own. I'm with you though, I know sooo many Katies!

Lost a lot of weight on Prozac, and some on Wellbutrin; gained a lot on Remeron (mirtazapine). Currently avoiding these meds and their sometimes-unpredictable side-effects; working on important—previously neglected—emotional issues, ones more likely to respond to therapy than antidepressants.