
Yeah, case counts aren’t perfect, also- I’m personally at hospitalization rates first and second death rates (death rates take longer though) to judge how I’m feeling about my state’s reopening.

It will actually take some time before we know for sure- and I’m sure there will be SOME spread from protests but I’m hoping it’s very limited due to it being outdoors and people wearing masks. I am most concerned about protests where people were forced into small confined spaces or heavily pepper sprayed/tear gassed.

It’s sad! Asthma can be very deadly, but almost every death is 100% preventable. So many people categorize it as “annoying but no big deal” when it can be such a big deal.

Accusing a patient of faking a peak flow when you didn’t know how to administer one five seconds ago? That’s gross. I’ve taught people to use peak flows, and most people do not use them correctly at first, but after practice (when healthy and well oxygenated) they can.  Jumping immediately to faking is just yucky.

I have something like 50 ER visits for asthma throughout my life (majority when I was a kid and the medicines that I use now to control it were just not widely available, at this point I only go once every couple years). I’ve also been hospitalized three times. Because of COVID my doctor gave me a prednisolone pack, a

Yup. I work in psych, which is better that prisons and jails at dealing with this stuff AND I’ve seen many staff devolve into the “every seizure is fake why are we calling codes and taking vitals they’re FAKE”. I’ve also seen it with asthma- hell, I’ve personally experienced it with asthma.

Eventually epidemiologists will calculate out the range of COVID deaths, and the range of deaths from overwhelmed healthcare systems, healthcare avoidance, and lack of routine healthcare.

And that combined number is going to be tragic and much larger than anyone in power cares to entertain.

2% of New York City is dead

There is a small but not insignificant contingent of white supremacists and white anarchist mixed into these protests doing a disproportionate amount of property destruction.

Maybe it’s that a properly diluted and treated pool probably shouldn’t smell like straight clorox?  IDK.  I’d be interested in talking to a chemist about it.

I’ve heard this before, but like, when I use bleach it smells like a pool (like when I open the container).

Oh yes, I don’t think it is the only solution by far. I work at a psychiatric residential. We need things like smaller patient groupings, we need to stop having staff members float, we need to try to minimize the number of staff on any unit (only core full timers should have direct patient contact),, and we need to

I agree it isn’t the only thing we can do, especially right now. I do think, though, such a policy would be beneficial for surveillance, even if there’s the 30% false-negative rate that’s being reported. Especially if testing of symptomatic people is done repeatedly and alongside chest x-rays and proper clinical

Oh no, I don’t think it should be on the individual facilities to do it on their own, I think it should be on the government and higher level bureaucrats to facilitate it. Instead of the federal government giving all of this equipment to Quest and Labcorp, we need smaller labs to be within communities that can do this

I would say any prison, nursing home, homeless shelter, psychiatric facility, etc should have aggressive testing protocols.  There was a suggestion that in order to go “back to normal” in the US we need to be testing everyone every two weeks.  I’m not sure that’s possible, but in these settings I think that needs to

This is horrific. There is absolutely no reason she needed to be in prison, probably period but definitely not during this pandemic.

The CDC was bragging that 7 states changed their status from “widespread” to *insert something else* this week vs last. No list of the states that changed, no way to easily compare statuses, just a humble brag on FB and twitter.

States get to decide if they are having widespread activity independent of any clear

Probably interspersed with treating Barron like he’s at least 5 years younger than he is.

How hard would it be for her to procure a cloth one? One of her staff has to be able to sew, right? Or be able to call up whatever high class fashion house has decided they’re now saving the world by making masks and ask them to send over one?

Like.  This isn’t hard.


I hope you’re feeling better!

As an update, I got the results today and it’s negative! So I’m basically exactly where I was before I got the results, it might be an imposter virus or it might be COVID. I want to get antibody testing whenever an accurate one comes out to see, because that was really weird timing to get