
I hate BBT because I find it incredibly misogynistic. But I also hate Gilmore Girls because .... where the fuck is this town? Do you know how much rural poverty there would be, in real life, in this town? It’s my pet peeve. Like lots of people can’t stand watching sitcoms set in NY where everyone has a lavish

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Have you seen the mother? She’s bat shit crazy. That’s the thing. This clip from youtube only shows a little bit of her crazy “love comes from love” speech but it should still give you an idea. The mother does speak like a cult leader.

Fine. You can’t compel a woman to give live birth, which is a specific biological event. I don’t know why this is so complicated. You don’t get to dictate how other people use their bodies.

It doesn’t matter when its a baby. No one with any sense who is pro abortion is arguing that fetuses aren’t human. (Although it would be ridiculous to compare the value of a three month old fetus to that of a seven month old fetus.) The point is you can’t compel one human to use their body as life support for another.

The US and Netherlands under certain conditions. In China, obviously.

The vast majority of abortions that take place that late in the game are absolutely morally correct. Because they are undertaken when there is something seriously wrong with the baby. The baby doesn’t have a head. The baby has a condition that will cause it to die shortly after birth and be in agony every second that

I wouldn’t draw a line. Because euthanasia (passive or active) is an essential part of family planing. It needs to be on the table for fetuses, for infants, for the elderly and for many people in between. If people want to feign outrage at that statement then fine. But they’re burying their head in the sand. We should

I don’t know what you mean by “from a medical perspective.” Unless you believe that abortion at that stage is more dangerous than child-birth. It’s not by the way.

It’s not an independent organism. This is just a scientifically inaccurate statement.

WTF are you on about? It’s her body at six months just as much as it is at two months. And not everyone wants to have a baby to give it away to fucking strangers. I’m sorry, but the idea of adopting out ones own child is bone chilling to a majority of women. Including women who don’t want to be mothers themselves.

Cause they wanted to punish her? Make her be a mother to a baby who will live in pain and who she won’t get to keep.

No. Once the fetus is out they should ask the parent whether they want to provide or withhold life support. This was sick and cruel.

Legal =/= ethical. And this is proof.

Yes. That is the only rational, not sadistic thing to do in this situation.